Category | Name | Description | Download |
Resolutions | 25-12 | Resolution to accept and appropriate additional funding in the amount of $60,000.00 in federal revenue and expenditures to the General Fund Emergency Response 2025 budget for Natural Resources Conservation Service, Emergency Watershed Protection projects. | pdf (426 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-11 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $15,200.00 from donations by Gods Pantry Ministry in the amount of $15,000.00 and by Floyd and Sun Sim Smith in the amount of $200.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (81 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-10 | Resolution to approve and accept a Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreement with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Facilities Management, for installation of sanitary sewer lines in Bear Creek Regional Park, serving the Zebulon Pike Youth Services Center. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 25-9 | Resolution for approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for provision of burial and/or cremation of indigent or unclaimed remains. | pdf (746 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-8 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Sterling Ranch Filing 1 Phase 2, Dines Blvd. only. | pdf (240 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-7 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Glen at Widefield Filing No. 11. | pdf (561 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-6 | Resolution to reaffirm the posting location for public meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Clerk and Recorder as the custodian of the minutes. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-5 | Resolution finding sufficiency of crime insurance policy coverage for elected and county officials. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 25-4 | Resolution to modify the 2025 County Commissioner Liaison Responsibilities. | pdf (225 kB) |
Resolutions | 25-3 | Resolution to establish the organizational structure of the County’s Governmental Offices. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 25-2 | Resolution to reaffirm the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado. | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 25-1 | Resolution to appoint Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado. | pdf (162 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-511 | El Paso County Land Development Code Amendment - Natural Medicine - Amendments to Chapters 1 and 5 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (2022) as it pertains to definitions and use standards for Natural Medicine. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-510 | VA244 - Variance of Use - Utah-Nevada Lane Variance Of Use - A request by N.E.S., Inc. for approval of a Variance of Use to allow recreational vehicle (RV) storage and mini-warehouse facility in the RR-5 (Rural Residential) and CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay) Zoning Districts. | pdf (481 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-509 | Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Dr. Leon Kelly as the El Paso County Coroner and the Appointment of Dr. Emily Russell-Kinsley to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of El Paso Coroner. | pdf (496 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-508 | Resolution to Approve the Paint Mines Interpretive Park Master Plan. | pdf (24 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-507 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - URBAN LANDING - A request by Elite Properties of America, Inc., for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 6.58 acres from R-4 (Planned Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with approval of a Preliminary Plan illustrating 49 single-family lots, 4 tracts, including 2.00 acres of open space provisions and 0.85 acres of land dedicated for private roads. | pdf (666 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-506 | Resolution to approve and enter into a Reimbursement Agreement between Melody Homes, Inc, Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) and El Paso County regarding the Eastonville Road Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-505 | Resolution amending the El Paso County Personnel Policies Manual. | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-504 | Resolution Waiving Right to Enjoin Use of Norris-Penrose Event Center Property for a Cellular Facility. | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-503 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $222,509.00 from Public Safety Restricted Fund Balance to the Restricted General Fund Public Safety 2024 budget. | pdf (79 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-502 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Pikes Peak Workforce Center. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-501 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Department of Human Services. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-500 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with El Paso County Public Health. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-499 | Resolution to recognize revenues and expenditures for various budgets that need revisions for fiscal year 2024. | pdf (235 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-498 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $40.00 from a donation by an anonymous donor to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (69 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-497 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $39,500.00 from the State of Colorado, Department of local Affairs, Division of Local Government to the Sheriff’s Office 2025 Budget. | pdf (246 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-496 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant application for the 2025 Emergency Management Performance Grant (“EMPG”) on behalf of the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-495 | Resolution to Approve the Jones Park Master Plan. | pdf (17 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-494 | Resolution to approve Amended Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreement with Mountain View Electric Association for Installation of Fiber Optic Telecommunication Lines Adjacent the Rock Island Regional Trail between the Towns of Falcon and Peyton. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-493 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with GTL, Inc., dba GTL Development, for Rolling Hills Ranch North Filing No. 2 at Meridian Ranch. | pdf (967 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-492 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with GTL, Inc., dba GTL Development, for Rolling Hills Ranch North Filing No. 1 at Meridian Ranch. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-491 | Resolution to Approve a Regional Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 3 and Classic SRJ Land, LLC., for Numerous Filings within Sterling Ranch. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-490 | Resolution to approve a Park Lands Agreement between the Glen Development Company, Glen Metropolitan District No. 3, and El Paso County for Glen at Widefield Filing No. 12. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-489 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - MONUMENT RIDGE EAST PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Vertex Consulting Services for approval of a 59.48-acre Preliminary Plan creating 37 single-family lots and 21 multi-family lots. | pdf (817 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-488 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MONUMENT RIDGE EAST RM-12 - A request by Vertex Consulting Services for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 40.51 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development), C-1 (Commercial), CS (Commercial Services), and CC (Commercial Community) to RM-12 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling). | pdf (515 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-487 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MONUMENT RIDGE EAST RS-6000 - A request by Vertex Consulting Services for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 18.97 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development), CC (Commercial Community), C-1(Commercial), and RS-20000 (Residential Suburban) to RS-6000 (Residential, Suburban). | pdf (610 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-486 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - SCHMIDT RM-12 - A request by Turkey Canon Quarry, Inc. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 34.98 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RM-12 (Residential Multi-dwelling). | pdf (579 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-485 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - SCHMIDT RS-5000 - A request by Turkey Canon Quarry, Inc., and Sugar Daddys, LLC, for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 23.00 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RS-5000 (Residential Suburban). | pdf (561 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-484 | FINAL PLAT - MARIAH TRAIL FILING NO. 1 - A request by Wayne-Anthony Custom Homes for approval of a 35-acre Final Plat creating six single-family lots. | pdf (515 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-483 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - WINSOME COMMERCIAL LOT REZONE TO RESIDENTIAL - A request by ProTerra Properties for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 7.21 acres from CC (Commercial Community) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (494 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-482 | SKETCH PLAN - ROLLING MEADOWS BULL HILL - A request by Murray Fountain, LLC, Eagle Development Company, Heidi, LLC, and Aeroplaza Fountain, LLC, for approval of a 1,136.9-acre mixed-use Sketch Plan consisting of a maximum of 5,440 residential units. | pdf (665 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-481 | VARIANCE OF USE - BARTLETT HAY SALES - A request by LaRon and Renee Bartlett for approval of a Variance of Use to allow for commercial hay sales in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) district. | pdf (344 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-480 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Public Improvement District Stratmoor Valley Streetlights | pdf (254 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-479 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 budget for Stratmoor Valley Streetlights Public Improvement District. | pdf (280 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-478 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for the Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (245 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-477 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 budget for Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (275 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-476 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2025 Budget for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (91 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-475 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (236 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-474 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 budget for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (266 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-473 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2025 Budget for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (90 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-472 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (237 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-471 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 budget for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (271 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-470 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 budget for Public Improvement District No. 1. | pdf (336 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-469 | Proclamation Recognizing Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez, Jr.'s Meritorious Service to El Paso County. | pdf (283 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-468 | Proclamation Recognizing Commissioner Stan VanderWerf's Meritorious Service to El Paso County. | pdf (346 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-467 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2025 budget adoption. | pdf (113 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-466 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of El Paso County's mill levy for the 2024 property taxes payable in 2025 and allocate revenues from such property taxes, the specific ownership tax, and the sales and use tax among the County's various funds | pdf (294 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-465 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2025 Budget. | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-464 | Resolution authorizing disbursement of El Paso County Road Impact Fee funds | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-463 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements – Phase 3 | pdf (17 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-462 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements – Phase 2 | pdf (48 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-461 | Resolution to approve Amendment #2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-460 | Resolution approving a Tax Increment Revenue Agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority for the OneVeLa Urban Renewal Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-459 | Resolution approving an Agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority regarding the Amended Southwest Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (2018) to remove land area | pdf (642 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-458 | Resolution to set salary compensation for the District Attorney of the Fourth Judicial District for the next four years | pdf (156 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-457 | Thanksgiving Day Proclamation 2024. | pdf (120 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-456 | Proclamation recognizing Pearl Harbor Day. | pdf (117 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-455 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding the Estate of Daniel James Murray. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-454 | Resolution to approve an amendment (A5) to Intergovernmental Agreement 2021CMIP022 with the State of Colorado, Health Care Policy & Financing related to the SFY2025 earned incentives program for Health First Colorado/Medicaid. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-453 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $10.00 from a donation by Emanuel Oliveira to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (72 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-452 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $5,342.00 from Roller Auction & Associates, Inc to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (83 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-451 | Resolution to increase El Paso County's capital asset threshold from $5,000 to $10,000 effective January 1, 2025 | pdf (96 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-450 | Resolution to recognize state revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,171,142.00 to the Road and Bridge 2024 budget for the El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements Project | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-449 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,241,850.00 to the Road and Bridge 2024 budget for the El Paso County Wetland Bank – Akers Project | pdf (124 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-448 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-1, PE-1A, PE-1B, PE-10, PE10A, PE-10B, PE-10C) and Temporary Easement Agreements (TE-1, TE-1A, TE-10, TE-10A, TE-10B) associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements | pdf (11 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-447 | Resolution to approve the creation of credits in the Road Impact Fee Program to GTL Development, Inc. for construction of eligible improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-446 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Forest Lakes Filing No. 5 | pdf (150 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-445 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Redtail Ranch Filing No. 1 | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-444 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Kinch Minor Subdivision | pdf (195 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-443 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Sterling Ranch Filing No. 3 | pdf (167 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-442 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - EAGLE RISING PRELIMINARY PLAN RECONSIDERATION - A request by Casas Limited Partnership #4 and IQ Investors, LLC for approval of the third two-year extension to record the first Final Plat within the Eagle Rising Preliminary Plan boundary (PCD File No. SP205). The 70.97-acre property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located approximately one-half (1/2) mile east of Black Forest Road and immediately north of the anticipated Briargate Parkway eastern extension. If approved, the extension would move the expiration date of the Preliminary Plan from November 15, 2024, to November 14, 2026. (Parcel Nos. 5229000034, and 5229000035) | pdf (370 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-441 | FINAL PLAT - SETTLERS RANCH FIL. NO. 3 - A request by Hodgen Settlers Ranch, LLC for approval of a 78.71-acre Final Plat creating 24 residential lots, and one tract. The property is zoned (Planned Unit Development) and is located immediately north of Hodgen Road, west of Steppler Road, and immediately adjacent to Settlers Ranch Road. A concurrent Map Amendment (Rezoning) is also requested. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the October 17, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 6-0. (Parcel Nos. 6123007024, 6124004003, 6124005001 and 6123004048) (Commissioner District No. 1) (SF249) | pdf (822 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-440 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - SETTLERS RANCH RR-2.5 - A request by Hodgen Settlers Ranch, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 53.53 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and is located immediately north of Hodgen Road, west of Steppler Road, and immediately adjacent to Settlers Ranch Road. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the October 17, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 6-0. (Parcel Nos. 6123007024, 6124004003, 6124005001 and 6123004048) (Commissioner District No. 1) (P2223) | pdf (531 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-439 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - WATERSIDE AT LAKE WOODMOOR - A request by Lake Woodmoor Holdings, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 7.53 acres from R-4 (Planned Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with approval of a Preliminary Plan depicting 44 single-family attached (townhome) lots and 6 tracts for open space and private roads. The property is located on the east side of Woodmoor Drive, approximately one-half of a mile north of Highway 105. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the October 17, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 6-0. (Parcel Nos. 7111404112 through 7111404194 (83 total parcels)) (Commissioner District No. 1) (PUDSP229) | pdf (594 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-438 | Resolution to (1) Approve First Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement for continued operation of the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center; (2) Accept conveyance of The Pikes Peak Regional Development Center and other property therein from El Paso County Facilities Corporation to the County by replacement deed and replacement Bill of Sale (3) Authorize conveyance of the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center and other property therein by the Board of County Commissioners to Pikes Peak Regional Building Department or Pikes Peak Regional Building Commission (or other designation that PPRBD determines to be appropriate) by replacement deed and replacement Bill of Sale; (4) Authorize purchase of a Title Insurance Policy for the benefit of the County as a percentage purchaser; and (5) Authorize all necessary requirements of the formal real estate closing of the acquisition of the County’s percentage ownership interest in the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center and other property therein including acceptance and approval of an appropriate deed from Pikes Peak Regional Building Department or Pikes Peak Regional Building Commission (or other designation that PPRBD determines to be appropriate) conveying the County’s percentage ownership interest in the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center and other property therein to the Board Of County Commissioners. | pdf (20 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-437 | Resolution to approve the First Amended and Restated Development Agreement for Sterling Ranch. | pdf (883 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-436 | Resolution to approve a 7.5% inflationary increase to drainage and bridge fees. | pdf (292 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-435 | Resolution to approve Sixth Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement among El Paso County, Colorado, The City of Colorado Springs, The City of Manitou Springs, The Town of Green Mountain Falls, The Town of Ramah, and The Town of Calhan regarding the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-434 | Resolution to approve and enter into an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County, through the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) | pdf (11 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-433 | Resolution to approve and enter into a Contract between El Paso County, through the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the Fourth Judicial District, Victim Assistance & Law Enforcement (VALE) Board. | pdf (573 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-432 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $3,541.00 which includes a donation by an anonymous donor in the amount of $80.00, and a donation from Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church in the amount of $3,461.00 to the Sheriff's Office budget, and the donation of miscellaneous books by various individuals to be used by the Sheriff's Office Jail. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-431 | Proclamation Recognizing Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada. | pdf (147 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-430 | Proclamation Recognizing Law Enforcement Records Personnel Week 2024. | pdf (99 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-429 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Colorado Springs Police Department's Metro Division regarding Incinerator Use and Restrictions. | pdf (673 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-428 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the Bradley Road Widening Project | pdf (602 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-427 | Proclamation Recognizing National Veterans Small Business Week and Small Business Saturday. | pdf (113 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-426 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding the Estate of Cristo Jesus Canett. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-425 | Resolution to enter into a funding agreement between the El Paso County Department of Human Services and Children's Advocacy Center of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | pdf (298 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-424 | Resolution to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Prowers County, Colorado regarding after-hours calls to the State Hotline for child welfare and adult protection concerns at an anticipated cost of $132,450.00. | pdf (663 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-423 | Resolution to recognize Federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $259,440 from the US Department of Energy to the unrestricted General Fund Facilities and Strategic Infrastructure Management 2024 budget. | pdf (95 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-422 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $445,000 from the US Department of Energy to the unrestricted general Facilities and Strategic Infrastructure Management 2024 budget. | pdf (100 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-421 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $71,557 to the Unrestricted General Fund Clerk and Recorder 2024 Budget. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-420 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - RETREAT AT PRAIRIERIDGE FILING NOS. 1-3 - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a 142.13-acre Preliminary Plan depicting 193 single-family residential lots, 2 future development tracts, and 14 open space, utility, drainage, and right-of-way tracts. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located immediately adjacent and to the north and south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor, immediately adjacent and to the south of Poco Road, and west of Vollmer Road. Three concurrent Map Amendments (Rezonings) are also requested. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the October 3, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 5228000024 and 5228000025) | pdf (479 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-419 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - RETREAT AT PRAIRIERIDGE RS-6000 - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 71.9 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RS-6000 (Residential Suburban). The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located immediately adjacent and to the north and south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor, immediately adjacent and to the south of Poco Road, and west of Vollmer Road. The development area was formerly known as the Jaynes Property. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the October 3, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 5228000024 and 5228000025) (Commissioner District No. 1) (P2313) | pdf (593 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-418 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - RETREAT AT PRAIRIERIDGE RR-0.5 - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 14.43 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-0.5 (Residential Rural). The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located immediately adjacent and to the north and south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor, south of Poco Road, and west of Vollmer Road. The development area was formerly known as the Jaynes Property. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the October 3, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 5228000024 and 5228000025) (Commissioner District No. 1) (P2314) | pdf (620 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-417 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - RETREAT AT PRAIRIERIDGE RR-2.5 - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 17.25 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located immediately adjacent and to the south of Poco Road, and west of Vollmer Road. The development area was formerly known as the Jaynes Property. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the October 3, 2024, Planning Commission hearing, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 5228000024 and 5228000025) (Commissioner District No. 1) (P2316) | pdf (608 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-416 | FINAL PLAT - VILLAGE AT LORSON RANCH FIL. NO. 1 - A request by Matrix Design Group, Inc. for approval of a 9.73-acre Final Plat creating six commercial lots. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Service) and is located directly northeast of the intersection of Marksheffel Road and Fontaine Boulevard and directly northwest of the intersection of Fontain Boulevard and Carriage Meadows Drive. This item was heard on the consent agenda at the October 3rd, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. (Parcel No. 5515413054) (Commissioner District No. 4) (SF248) | pdf (497 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-415 | Resolution opposing Proposition 127. | pdf (131 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-414 | Resolution supporting Amendment G, property tax exemption for veterans with disabilities. | pdf (157 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-413 | Resolution to approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Colorado Springs Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff's Office for the 2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for the Law Enforcement and Corrections Program. | pdf (633 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-412 | Resolution to approve the application, recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $40,107 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, passed through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (366 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-411 | Resolution to approve the 2024 State Legislative Policy Guide. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-410 | Resolution to Approve Third Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement for Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority Funded Capital Projects and Maintenance Programs | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-409 | Resolution to Accept a Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement (PIE-1) for Stormwater Infrastructure from Meridian Service Metropolitan District | pdf (582 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-408 | Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreement with Mountain View Electric Association for Installation of Underground Electrical Transmission Lines Adjacent the Rock Island Regional Trail near the Town of Falcon. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-407 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - SOUTHERN COLORADO RAIL PARK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-3 - A request from Edw. C. Levy Company, and White Bear Ankele Tanaka and Waldron, for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District Service Plan for the Southern Colorado Rail Park Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3. The 3,108-acre area included within the request is zoned Residential Rural (RR-5) and Agricultural (A-5) and is located south of Charter Oak Road and east of the Fort Carson Military Installation. The Service Plan includes the following: a maximum debt authorization of $430,000,000.00, a debt service mill levy of 50 mills for commercial and an operations and maintenance mill levy of 15 mills, for a total maximum combined mill levy of 65 mills. The Planning Commission recommended approval (8-0). There is no public opposition to the request. (Parcel Nos. Multiple) (Commissioner District No. 4) (ID244) | pdf (29 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-406 | Resolution supporting Question 2D, banning sales of recreational marijuana in the City of Colorado Springs. | pdf (161 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-405 | Resolution supporting Amendment 80, choice in education. | pdf (174 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-404 | Resolution opposing Proposition 131, ranked-choice voting. | pdf (161 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-403 | Proclamation Recognizing October as Arts Month in El Paso County. | pdf (113 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-402 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $300.00 from a donation by Pike Peak International Hill Climb and a donation of a used 2013 Ford Explorer from Watts Upfitting, with a monetary value of $2,500.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (83 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-401 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $116,284 from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Department of Natural Recourses, Search and Rescue Fund to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (99 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-400 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $52,250.00 from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration through the contract for Jail Based Behavioral Services, to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-399 | Resolution to recognize Federal and State revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,662,000 to the Road and Bridge 2024 budget for the South Academy Boulevard widening project. | pdf (771 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-398 | Resolution regarding release of funds for Birdsall Road from third party trust account and to recognize and appropriate revenue and expenditures in the amount of $147,574 to the Road and Bridge Fund 2024 budget. | pdf (161 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-397 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and Comcast of Colorado/Pennsylvania/West Virginia, LLC for the Highway 105B Project. | pdf (477 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-396 | Resolution to Approve the Submittal of the Off-System Bridge Grant for McClaskey Road Bridge by the Department of Public Works | pdf (315 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-395 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of 24/94 Business Park Filing No. 1 / Meadowbrook Crossing Filing No. 1 | pdf (157 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-394 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Falcon Regional Park – Rex Rd | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-393 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of The Sanctuary Filing No. 1 at Meridian Ranch | pdf (255 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-392 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding the Estate of Savannah Poppell. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-391 | SKETCH PLAN - ESTEBAN RODRIGUEZ - A request by Brent Houser Enterprises, LLC for approval of a 493.21-acre Sketch Plan consisting of approximately 119.73 acres allocated toward single-family residential uses with a minimum lot size of 5 acres, 312.84 acres allocated toward single-family residential uses with a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres, 15.07 acres allocated toward commercial uses, 8.52 acres allocated toward open space, 5.90 acres allocated toward stormwater detention facilities, and 30.21 acres allocated toward proposed rights-of-way. At full build-out, the maximum development potential contemplated within the Sketch Plan area consists of 142 single-family residential lots and 15.07 acres of commercial development. The property is currently zoned A-35 (Agricultural) and is located on the south side of Judge Orr Road, approximately 1 mile east of the intersection of Judge Orr Road and Curtis Road/Stapleton Road. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the September 19, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 4300000534, 4300000537, and 4300000538) (Commissioner District No. 2)(SKP237) | pdf (450 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-390 | FINAL PLAT - STERLING RECYCLING SUBDIVISION (FORMALLY KNOWN AS RHETORIC SUBDIVISION) A request by N.E.S. Inc., for approval of a 32.62-acre Final Plat creating two industrial lots. This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at the September 19th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned I-3 (Heavy Industrial) and is located one quarter mile southeast of the intersection of Vollmer Road and North Marksheffel Road and is directly southwest of the intersection of North Marksheffel Road and Sterling Ranch Road. (Parcel No. 5300000743) (Commissioner District No. 2)(SF2325) | pdf (525 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-389 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $42,413.00 from Roller Auction & Associates, Inc to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (87 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-388 | Resolution to approve the application to the State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs for the Gray and Black Market Marijuana Enforcement Grant Program by the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (83 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-387 | Corrected Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Real Property Donation of a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-4) associated with the Mesa Ridge Parkway Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-386 | Resolution approving request to release Deed of Trust as collateral for the Matika Subdivision. | pdf (202 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-385 | Resolution approving agreement with United States Army Corps of Engineers. | pdf (276 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-384 | Resolution to Grant two Quitclaim Deeds from El Paso County to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for the Woodmen Road Project. | pdf (495 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-383 | Resolution to appoint Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado and to amend Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures to reflect Chair and Vice Chair appointments. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-382 | Hearing on the application by Black Gate Hospitality Group LLC, d/b/a Lazy Susan’s, for a tavern liquor license on the premises located at 5859 Palmer Park Blvd, El Paso County | pdf (193 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-381 | Resolution supporting propositions to increase public safety and combat rising crime rates. | pdf (188 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-379 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Real Property donation of a Special Warranty Deed (RW-2) associated with the Mesa Ridge Parkway Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-378 | Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding the CO Highway 83 Access Control Plan | pdf (19 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-377 | Resolution Amending the El Paso County Road Impact Fee Program | pdf (7 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-376 | Resolution to Amend the Bylaws of the Road Impact Fee Advisory Committee | pdf (509 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-375 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Glen at Widefield Filing No. 9 | pdf (143 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-374 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - PRAIRIE RIDGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-3 - A request from Classic SRJ Land, LLC., and Spencer Fane LLP., for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District Service Plan for the Prairie Ridge Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3. The 142-acre area included within the request is zoned Residential Rural (RR-5) and is located south of Poco Road and west of Vollmer Road. The Service Plan includes the following: a maximum debt authorization of $50,000,000.00, a debt service mill levy of 50 mills for residential, 50 mills for commercial and an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills, for a total maximum combined mill levy of 60 mills. Covenant Enforcement is requested. The Planning Commission recommended approval (8-0). There is no public opposition to the request. (Parcel Nos. 5228000024 and 5228000025) (Commissioner District No. 1) (ID243) | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-373 | VARIANCE OF USE - 8304 & 8308 CESSNA DRIVE VARIANCE OF USE - A request by Sund Estate Management Corporation for approval of a Variance of Use to allow a commercial vehicle repair garage in the R-4 (Planned Development) Zoning District. This item was heard as a called-up consent item on September 5, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 6-2 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located within Meadow Lake Airport, is within the GA-O (General Aviation Overlay District) and is south of Judge Orr Road and east of Highway 24. (Parcel Nos. 4304002058 and 4304002087) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VA245) | pdf (262 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-372 | VARIANCE OF USE - 5935 TEMPLETON GAP ROAD VARIANCE OF USE - A request by Great West Construction for approval of a Variance of Use to allow a contractor’s equipment yard in the A-5 (Agricultural) with CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay) Zoning District. This item was heard as a called-up consent item on September 5, 2024, by the Planning Commission to discuss whether the property owner needs to reside on the property. The Planning Commission also recommended an additional condition. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located south of Templeton Gap Road, northeast of the intersection of Templeton Gap Road and Corinth Drive. (Parcel No. 6313000009) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VA243) | pdf (342 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-371 | VACATION AND REPLAT - PONDEROSA PINE ESTATES - A request by Clifford A Joyner for approval of a 3.07-acre Vacation and Replat creating 4 single-family residential lots from 2 single-family residential lots, resulting in a net increase of 2 single-family residential lots. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the September 5, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. The property is zoned RR-0.5 (Residential Rural), and is located at 18810 Cloven Hoof Drive, Palmer Lake, CO, 80133. (Parcel No. 7109002018 and 7109002019) (Commissioner District No. 3) (VR2324) | pdf (271 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-370 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - 3275 CENTER ICE VIEW - A request by Andrew C Alm for approval of a Minor Subdivision creating two (2) single-family residential lots. This item was heard as a consent item on September 5, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The 12.72-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is one-quarter of a mile north of Hay Creek Road. (Parcel No. 7133007024) (Commissioner District No. 3) (MS239) | pdf (539 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-369 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - UDON - A request by Thani Holdings, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 15.75 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The item was heard on the consent agenda at the September 5, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. The property is located at 12150 State Highway 94, Colorado Springs, CO, 80929. (Parcel No. 4400000185) (Commissioner District No. 4) (CS243) | pdf (468 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-368 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - PEERLESS FARMS - A request by Robert and Wendy Williams for approval of a 40.01-acre Preliminary Plan depicting 7 single-family residential lots. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the September 5, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 16975 Falcon Highway. (Parcel No. 4313000001) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SP217) | pdf (433 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-367 | FINAL PLAT - DOUBLE SPUR RANCH FINAL PLAT - A request by Dan Kupferer for approval of a 40-acre Final Plat creating three (3) lots. This item was heard as a consent item at the September 5, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 12420 North Meridian Road, which is one-tenth of a mile south of the Latigo Boulevard and North Merdian Road intersection. (Parcel No. 5213000007) (Commissioner District No. 1) (MS235) | pdf (497 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-366 | Resolution approving a Petition for Inclusion of property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Haven Valley Subdivision. | pdf (260 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-365 | Resolution Approving a Property Tax Increment Revenue Agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority for the Bristow-Lowell Urban Renewal Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-364 | Proclamation Recognizing Creek Week 2024. | pdf (132 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-363 | Resolution to approve an encroachment management agreement with The United States of America – Department of The Air Force concerning implementation of wildfire mitigation measures and recognize and appropriate Federal funding in the amount of $424,620 to the General fund Emergency Response 2024 budget supporting the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force base. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-362 | Resolution to reduce revenue in the amount of $52,250.00 and expenditures in the amount of $52,250.00 due to an amendment from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration through the Contract for Jail Based Behavioral Services, to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (10 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-361 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $32.00 from a donation by an anonymous donor to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (71 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-360 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $174,378.00 from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed-through the State of Colorado, Department of Transportation, for the 2024-25 Traffic Safety Enforcement Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (678 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-359 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $178,684.00 from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed-through the State of Colorado, Department of Transportation, for the 2024-25 Impaired Driving Enforcement Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (571 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-358 | Resolution to approve the First Renewal and Ratification of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Colorado Judicial Department, by and through the State Court Administrator’s Office (SCAO), for data sharing purposes. | pdf (270 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-357 | Resolution to Approve a grant submittal for the Fox Run Canopy Walk to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-356 | Resolution to approve an amendment (A4) to Intergovernmental Agreement 2021CMIP022 with the State of Colorado, Health Care Policy & Financing related to the SFY2025 earned incentives program for Health First Colorado/Medicaid. | pdf (355 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-355 | Resolution to accept a grant award from the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation | pdf (339 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-354 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Teller County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Teller County youth | pdf (853 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-353 | Resolution to grant a Quitclaim Deed from El Paso County to the City of Manitou Springs, Colorado, associated with the West Colorado Avenue Project | pdf (639 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-352 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Gardens at North Carefree Filing No. 1 | pdf (160 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-351 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC for the Highway 105B Project | pdf (485 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-350 | Resolution to approve a Special Use Permit by and between El Paso County, Colorado, and the United States Department of Agriculture concerning the Pikes Peak Communications Site Management Plan. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-349 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - WINDERMERE SOUTH ZONE CHANGE TO RM-30 - A request by Windsor Ridge Homes for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 9.25 acres from RS-5000 (Residential Suburban) to RM-30 (Residential Multi-Dwelling). This item was heard as a called-up consent item at the August 15th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion from the public included concerns regarding traffic, water, and the Colorado Springs Utility propane station. Commissioners discussed traffic, and compatibility with the existing neighborhood. The property is located 7653 Mardale Lane and is directly southeast of the intersection of North Carefree Circle and Marksheffel Road. (Parcel No. 5329416011) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P229) | pdf (546 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-348 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - VILLAGE AT LORSON RANCH REZONE - A request by Matrix Design Group for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 9.73 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to CS (Commercial Service). This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at the August 15th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located directly northeast of the intersection of Fontaine Boulevard and Marksheffel Road. (Parcel No. 5515413054) (Commissioner District No. 4) (CS242) | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-347 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - THE ESTATES AT CATHEDRAL PINES - A request by Villagree Development, LLC, for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 35.09 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with approval of a Preliminary Plan depicting 8 single-family residential lots, 2 open space tracts providing 2.5 acres of open space provisions, 2.3 acres of easements for open space preservation, and 1 private road tract. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the August 15, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. The property is located on the west side of Winslow Drive, approximately 1 mile northwest of the intersection of Shoup Road and Milam Road. (Parcel No. 6200000411) (Commissioner District No. 1) (PUDSP2210) | pdf (936 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-346 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - THE COMMONS AT FALCON FIELD - A request by Falcon Field, LLC for approval of a 57.67-acre Preliminary Plan depicting 169 single-family residential lots, 8 commercial lots, and 7 open space, utility, drainage, and right-of-way tracts. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the August 15, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. The property is zoned CR (Commercial Regional), RS-5000 (Residential Suburban), and RM-12 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling), and is located on the South side of East Highway 24, at the intersection of East Woodmen Road and East Highway 24. (Parcel Nos. 4307000001 and 4307200015) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SP232) | pdf (547 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-345 | VACATION AND REPLAT - FALCON RANCHETTES FILING NO. 1A - A request by Galloway & Company, Inc., for approval of a 9.604-acre Vacation and Replat creating two commercial lots and one tract. This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at the August 15th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Service), and is located at 11750 and 11690 Owl Place, and is directly northwest of the intersection of Meridian Road and Owl Place. (Parcel No. 5301001001 and 5301001002) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VR239) | pdf (380 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-344 | Proclamation Commemorating September 11 as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. | pdf (145 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-343 | Proclamation Recognizing Constitution Day and Citizenship Day 2024. | pdf (122 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-342 | Resolution to Approve Counterclaims against Cygnet Land, LLC in 2024CV31380 | pdf (146 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-341 | Resolution to Approve and Accept Termination and Release Concerning the Issuance of Certificates of Participation Used to Construct the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center. | pdf (744 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-340 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kiowa County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Kiowa County youth | pdf (980 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-339 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Elbert County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Elbert County youth | pdf (943 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-338 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cheyenne County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Cheyenne County youth | pdf (927 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-337 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for student transportation cost sharing between El Paso County Department of Human Services and Jefferson County School District R-1. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-336 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $300.00 from donations by Joseph and Linda Sokol for $200.00 and Joseph and Carol Puffer for $100.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (85 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-335 | Resolution to Approve a Used Vehicle Donation Agreement Between El Paso County and the James Irwin Charter School | pdf (231 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-334 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements | pdf (643 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-333 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Glen at Widefield Filing No. 10 | pdf (156 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-332 | Resolution to issue a Class B (no restraints) Secure Transportation Service License and issuance of three (3), Type 2 (non-partitioned) Vehicle Permits to Met Transport LLC, d/b/a Met Transport, to provide secure transportation services in El Paso County. | pdf (517 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-331 | Resolution Declaring Organization of El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 5, El Paso County, Colorado, and Ordering Election on November 5, 2024. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-330 | Resolution Declaring Organization of El Paso County Public Improvements District No. 4, El Paso County, Colorado, and Ordering Election on November 5, 2024. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-329 | Resolution to recognize revenue in the amount of $11,690,887 and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $14,236,322 for various budgets that need to be revised for fiscal year 2024. | pdf (262 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-328 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENT FISHERS CANYON-THOMPSON THRIFT VENETUCCI - A request by CS 2005 Investments III, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 16.23 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to RM-30 (Residential Multi-Dwelling). The item was heard on the consent agenda at the August 1, 2024, Planning Commission Hearing. The Rezoning application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 6-0. The property is located north of South Academy Boulevard and west of Venetucci Boulevard. (Parcel Nos. 6504300049 and 6504300050) (Commissioner District No. 4) (P247) | pdf (540 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-327 | FINAL PLAT - OHANA ACRES - A request by G & D Hammann Ohana Trust for approval of a 19.31-acre Final Plat creating 4 single-family residential lots. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the August 1, 2024, Planning Commission Hearing. The Final Plat application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 6-0. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 17825 Jones Road, directly southeast of the intersection of Jones Road and Murr Road (Parcel No. 3330001001) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SF2141) | pdf (462 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-326 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - CROSSROADS NORTH - A request by Colorado Springs Equities, LLC for approval of a 44.34-acre Preliminary Plan depicting 15 commercial lots and 5 tracts. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the August 1, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, and was recommended for approval with a vote of 6-0. The property is zoned CR (Commercial Regional), is subject to the CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay) District and is located between the southeast corner of the intersection of Colorado State Highway 24 and Marksheffel Road, and the northeast corner of the intersection of Colorado State Highway 24 and Colorado State Highway 94. (Parcel Nos. 5408001008, 5408001029, 5408001032, 5408001034, 5408001041, 5408001042, 5408001050, 5408001051, and 5408001052) (Commissioner District No. 4) (SP207) | pdf (502 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-325 | VACATION AND REPLAT - GREAVES VACATION REPLAT - A request by Alan and Judith Ann Greaves for approval of a 10.36-acre Vacation and Replat creating two (2) residential lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and the new lots will be five (5) acres in size within the RR-5 (Residential Rural) zoning district. This item was heard as a consent item on August 1, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 6-0 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located on Snowmass Drive and .2 miles east of Black Forest Road. (Parcel No. 5205209004) (Commissioner District No. 1) (VR243) | pdf (375 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-324 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - MCLEAN–HODGEN SUBDIVISION (2 LOT FINAL PLAT) - A request by Susan Carson McLean for approval of a Minor Subdivision to create two (2) single-family residential lots. The 28.68-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located on the south side of Hodgen Road, approximately point one mile east of the intersection of Roller Coaster Road and Baptist Road. This item was heard as a consent item on August 1, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 6-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. (Parcel No. 6128100014) (Commissioner District No. 1) (MS243) | pdf (547 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-323 | Proclamation Affirming Support for the Preservation of the Arkansas River Basin. | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-322 | Resolution to approve and authorize the submission of the SFY25 Core Services Program Plan for the El Paso County Department of Human Services. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-321 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for Construction of the North Gate Boulevard / Struthers Road Drainage and Permanent Water Quality Pond Project | pdf (613 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-320 | Resolution to accept additional funding in the amount of $2,706,764 federal revenue from NRCS and to recognize and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $3,920,600 to the General Fund Emergency Response 2024 budget for Natural Resources Conservation Service, Emergency Watershed Protection Projects. | pdf (141 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-319 | Resolution amending Resolution No. 15-261 regarding consultation process prior to implementation of adverse employment actions and qualifications of certain personnel at elected and appointed offices. | pdf (377 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-318 | Amended Resolution clarifying determination of indemnification of sworn employees of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office in certain civil actions. | pdf (264 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-317 | Resolution Declaring The Intent Of El Paso County, Colorado To Issue Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds For The Sand Creek Apartments Project | pdf (421 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-316 | Resolution Declaring The Intent Of El Paso County, Colorado To Issue Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds For The Haven At Lakeside Project | pdf (423 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-315 | Resolution declaring the intent of El Paso County, Colorado to issue revenue bonds or mortgage credit certificates in connection with financing residential facilities for low-and middle-income families or persons. | pdf (864 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-314 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of The Hills at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1 | pdf (540 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-313 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 1 | pdf (359 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-312 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 2 | pdf (230 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-311 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - APEX VILLAGE REZONE - A request by Richard Holmes for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 37.47 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to CC (Commercial Community). The property is located at 16888 Elbert Road and is located one-half of a mile south of the intersection of Elbert Road and Hopper Road. This item was heard as a regular item on the agenda at the July 18th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 7-2 for a recommendation of denial to the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion from the public included compatibility with the surrounding community, as well as compatibility with the Your El Paso Master Plan. The Planning Commission members identified how this proposed rezone is not compatible with all land uses or zone districts in all directions and not compatible with the Rural Placetype identified within the Your El Paso Master Plan. (Parcel No. 4122000002) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P242) | pdf (404 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-310 | VARIANCE OF USE - POWERS BLVD CMRS TOWER VARIANCE OF USE - A request by T-Mobile West LLC for approval of a Variance of Use to allow a temporary freestanding CMRS Facility (Commercial Mobile Radio Service) tower in the A-5 (Agricultural) district. The request includes an approval for a 60-foot-tall tower where the district maximum height is 30-feet. This item was heard as a consent item on July 18, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The vacant property is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 21 and Fontaine Boulevard, is owned by the State of Colorado, and is 320 acres in size. (Parcel No. 5500000015) (Commissioner District No. 4) (VA242) | pdf (292 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-309 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MARY JANE RANCH REZONE - A request by Robert Williams for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 40 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). This item was heard as a consent item on July 18, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located at 6425 J D Johnson Road at the intersection of Falcon Highway and J D Johnson Road and one mile east of Peyton Highway. (Parcel No. 3315000001) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P243) | pdf (386 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-308 | VACATION AND REPLAT - THE SHOPS AT MERIDIAN RANCH FILING NO. 2 - A request by Hunjan Gas Stations, LLC, and Shops at Meridian Ranch, LLC, for approval of a 2.43-acre Vacation and Replat creating 2 commercial lots from 1 commercial lot, resulting in a net increase of 1 commercial lot. The property is zoned CR (Commercial Regional) and is located at 11830 Stapleton Drive, at the northeast corner of the intersection of Stapleton Drive and Meridian Road. The item was heard as a consent agenda item at the July 18, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The item was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. (Parcel Nos. 4230319055 and 4230319056) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VR2314) | pdf (372 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-307 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - EAGLE RISING AMENDMENT - A request by Casas Limited Partnership #4 and IQ Investors, LLC, for approval of an amendment to the Eagle Rising Preliminary Plan (PCD File No. SP205) to establish a water sufficiency finding for the Preliminary Plan. The 70.97-acre property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located approximately one-half (1/2) mile east of Black Forest Road and immediately north of the anticipated Briargate Parkway eastern extension. (Parcel Nos. 5229000034 and 5229000035) (Commissioner District No. 1) (SP242) | pdf (132 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-306 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Rhetoric Recycling Subdivision. | pdf (158 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-305 | Proclamation recognizing National Night Out 2024. | pdf (130 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-304 | Proclamation recognizing the retirement of Malana Cordova. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-303 | Proclamation recognizing the retirement of Kari Mueller. | pdf (122 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-302 | Resolution Amending the El Paso County Personnel Policies Manual. | pdf (10 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-301 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,031,688.00 from the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office for reimbursement for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election to the unrestricted general fund Clerk and Recorder’s 2024 budget. | pdf (106 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-300 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $32,419.00 from a Help America Vote Act grant administered through the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office for Election Security to the unrestricted general fund Clerk and Recorder’s 2024 budget. | pdf (151 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-299 | Resolution to amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-298 | Resolution to waive rights of first refusal and offer under House Bill 24-1175. | pdf (229 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-297 | Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for right-of-way and permanent easements contiguous to Marksheffel Road. | pdf (647 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-296 | Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed for Old Ranch Road to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-295 | Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for a portion of County Right-of-Way along West Woodmen Road. | pdf (393 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-294 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-123), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-123) Associated with Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-293 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and Force Broadband LLC for the Highway 105B Project. | pdf (477 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-292 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and El Paso County School District 49 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-291 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Lewis Palmer School District 38 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-290 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Hanover School District 28 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-289 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Peyton School District 23 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-288 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Academy School District 20 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-287 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Widefield School District 3 regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-286 | Resolution to recognize the donation of miscellaneous books to be used by the Jail from various individuals for the Sheriff’s Office | pdf (68 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-285 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $70,000.00 from the State of Colorado, Colorado Department of Public Safety, through the Beating Auto Theft through Law Enforcement Grant Program (BATTLE) to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-284 | Resolution Approving a Settlement Agreement and Release in 23CV31219. | pdf (851 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-283 | Resolution to cancel uncollectible real estate taxes (County held liens) (2014-2018), personal property taxes (2017-2022) possessory interest taxes (2021-2022), state assessed taxes (2021-2022), and uncollectible delinquent interest (2021-2022) as provided by C.R.S. 39-10-114 (2) (a). | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-282 | Resolution to cancel uncollectible mobile home taxes (2020-2022) as provided by C.R.S. 39-10-114 (2)(b). | pdf (249 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-281 | Resolution to approve and authorize the County Clerk and Recorder to enter into Intergovernmental Agreements and Letters of Agreement with participating jurisdictions concerning the conduct of the November 5, 2024, election. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-280 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado, and the Calhan Fire Protection District | pdf (734 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-279 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the Fuel Support between El Paso County, Colorado and Calhan R-J1 Schools | pdf (723 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-278 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado and the Town of Calhan | pdf (705 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-277 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado and the Peyton Fire Protection District | pdf (712 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-276 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - LAZY Y ROCKING J RR-5 REZONE - A request by N.E.S., Inc. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 5 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The property is located at 12960 North Peyton Highway and is one-half of a mile south of the intersection at Highway 24 and Peyton Highway. This item was heard as a regular item on the agenda at the June 20th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 7-1 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The nay vote was based off compatibility with the surrounding community. (Parcel No. 3207000007) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P2315) | pdf (482 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-275 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - LAZY Y ROCKING J RV PARK REZONE - A request by N.E.S., Inc. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 29 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RVP (Recreational Vehicle Park). The property is located at 12960 North Peyton Highway and is one-half of a mile south of the intersection at Highway 24 and Peyton Highway. This item was heard as a regular item on the agenda at the June 20th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 2-6 resulting in a recommendation of denial to the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion from the public included compatibility with the surrounding community, as well as compatibility with the Your El Paso Master Pan, the proposed traffic, and safety. The Planning Commission members identified how this proposed rezone is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and not compatible with the Master Plan. (Parcel No. 3207000007) (Commissioner District No. 2) (RVP231) | pdf (508 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-274 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - OVERLOOK AT HOMESTEAD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT - A request from PT Overlook, LLC, and Icenogle, Seaver, and Pogue, P.C., for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District Service Plan for the Overlook at Homestead Metropolitan District. The 350.8-acre area included within the request is zoned Residential Rural (RR-5) and is located one-half mile north of the intersection of Elbert Road and Sweet Road, and one-half mile south of the intersection of Elbert Road and Hopper Road. The Service Plan includes the following: a maximum debt authorization of $10,000,000.00, a debt service mill levy of 50 mills for residential, an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills, and 5 mills for special purpose, for a total maximum combined mill levy of 65 mills. Covenant Enforcement is requested. The Planning Commission recommended approval 6-0. There is no public opposition to the request. (Parcel Nos. Multiple) (Commissioner District No. 2) (ID242) | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-273 | VARIANCE OF USE - 1185 NORTH CURTIS ROAD - A request by Andrii Varko for approval of a Variance of Use on 5 acres to allow RV/Boat storage in addition to shipping containers and mini warehouse storage in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) zoning district. The property is located at 1185 North Curtis Road, which is at the intersection of Dragonman Drive and North Curtis Road. The item was heard as a regular item at the June 20, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. Discussion included how this project meets the criteria of approval. More questions arose about the surrounding commercial uses in the area, what the uses are, and what process the applications went through to be approved. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the project with a vote of 7-1. The Planning Commissioner who voted against the motion identified that just because other commercial uses in the area where previously approved does not mean this proposal should be. (Parcel No. 4410000052) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VA235) | pdf (341 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-272 | FINAL PLAT - RETREAT AT TIMBERRIDGE FILING NO. 4 SUBDIVISION - A request by TimberRidge Development Group, LLC, for approval of a Final Plat for the Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 4 Subdivision to create 10 single-family residential lots and 1 tract. The site is 34.47 acres and zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The item was heard on the consent agenda at the June 20, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. There is no opposition to the proposed Final Plat. The Final Plat application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 8-0. The property is currently vacant. The subject property is located north of and adjacent to Arroya Lane. (Parcel Nos. 5222000023 and 5227000007) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SF1827) | pdf (598 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-271 | VACATION AND REPLAT - ARMONIA RANCH VACATION PLAT - A request by Jerome W. Hannigan and Associates, Inc, for approval of a 49.02-acre Vacation and Replat creating one single-family residential lot and vacating two County Right-of-Ways while also dedicating an additional County Right-of-Way. The item was heard on the consent agenda on June 20, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The Vacation and Replat application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 8-0. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 10612 and 10613 Twin Pines Road, directly southwest of the intersection of Ayer Road and Goodson Road. (Parcel Nos. 5214004014 and 5214003001) (Commissioner District No. 1) (VR232) | pdf (351 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-270 | FINAL PLAT - IVILO HEIGHTS FINAL PLAT - A request by Pawel Posorski for approval of a 6.02-acre Final Plat creating two single-family residential lots. This item was heard as a consent item at the June 20, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located approximately 0.38 miles east of the intersection of Vessey Road and Holmes Road. (Parcel No. 5206000138) (Commissioner District No. 1) (SF245) | pdf (495 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-269 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - 2775 NORTH MERIDIAN ROAD REZONE - A request by John Uppole for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 35 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to A-35 (Agricultural). This item was heard as a consent item at the June 20, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The Planning Commission had questions as to why this was being rezoned to a less dense zoning district. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located at 2775 North Meridian Road which is one-quarter of a mile south of the intersection of Corral Bluffs View and Merdian Road. (Parcel No. 4331000022) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P244) | pdf (522 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-268 | Proclamation recognizing the retirement of Jennifer Irvine. | pdf (115 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-267 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $321,800.00 from the Region 16 Opioid Council through the Contract for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)/Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-266 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $619,021.00 from the Region 16 Opioid Council through the Contract for Recovery Supports and Transitions Project to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-265 | Resolution to approve disbursement of the Sand Creek Drainage Basin (FOFO4000) bridge fund to Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District | pdf (442 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-264 | Resolution approving a haul route agreement with Ellicott Sand & Gravel, LLC. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-263 | Resolution to Approve the 2024 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program | pdf (17 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-262 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Melanie Sheridan | pdf (108 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-261 | Resolution to Accept a Special Warranty Deed from 4 Site Investments, LLC, to El Paso County, Colorado for the Rex Road Right-of-Way. | pdf (402 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-260 | Proclamation Recognizing Independence Day. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-259 | Resolution Authorizing the County Attorney to Sign Release to Participate in Global Opioid Settlement with Kroger. | pdf (772 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-258 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant application to the Fourth Judicial District, Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Board and authorize the Chair to sign the application | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-257 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $130,000.00 from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Federal Grant passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-256 | Resolution to enter into a funding agreement between the El Paso County Department of Human Services and Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | pdf (361 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-255 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for the Highway 105B Project | pdf (576 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-254 | Resolution to approve an Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the South Academy Widening Project | pdf (628 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-253 | SPECIAL USE - MONUMENT GLAMPING 1 SPECIAL USE MODIFICATION - A request by Chris Jeub for approval of a Special Use on 6.44 acres to allow a recreational camp for 12 sites in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) zoning district. The property is located at 16315 Rickenbacker Avenue, approximately one-quarter of a mile south from the intersection of Rickenbacker Avenue and Doolittle Road. This item was heard as a regular item at the June 6th, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. Discussion included project history with Code Enforcement and the continued violations from the applicant, current use versus what is being proposed, compatibility issues, and a lack of information from the applicant on types of structures and the hard-sided structures at the project address. The vote was 7-2 for a recommendation of denial to the Board of County Commissioners. The Planning Commission members identified how this proposed project is not compatible with the zoning district, not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, not compatible with the master plan placetype or area of change, and the proposed changes to the recreational camp are significant changes that create a vastly different project, not a modification. (Parcel No. 7127001011) (Commissioner District No. 3) (AL2321) | pdf (340 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-252 | FINAL PLAT - FALCON SELF STORAGE & U-HAUL SUBDIVISION - A request by Oliver Watts Consulting for approval of a 5.00-acre Final Plat creating 1 lot. This item was heard as a consent item at the June 6, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The vote was 9-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned I-2 (Limited Industrial) and is located roughly one-half mile north of the intersection of Woodmen Road and Bent Grass Drive. (Parcel No. 5301002005) (Commissioner District No. 2) (MS232) | pdf (549 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-251 | Resolution to issue a Class B (no restraints) Secure Transportation Service License and issuance of one (1), Type 1 (partitioned) Vehicle Permit to Zin Transportation LLC to provide secure transportation services in El Paso County. | pdf (306 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-250 | Proclamation Recognizing Foster, Kinship, and Adoptive Families. | pdf (112 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-249 | Resolution Amending the El Paso County Self-Insurance Fund - Risk Management and Workers' Compensation Cost Centers. | pdf (860 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-248 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $405,000.00 from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration for the Co-Responder Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (108 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-247 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant application to the State of Colorado Correctional Treatment Board. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-246 | Resolution to approve a Revocable Non-Exclusive License Agreement between El Paso County, Colorado and the Pikes Peak Library District concerning the display of the USS Arizona Donald Stratton Exhibit. | pdf (699 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-245 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-111) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-244 | Resolution to Approve a Grade Crossing Signal Installation Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-243 | Resolution to approve the application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 by the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-242 | AMENDED AND RESTATED SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - PEACEFUL RIDGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT - A request from Peaceful Ridge Metropolitan District Directors, and White, Bear, Ankele, Tanaka, and Waldron, P.C., for approval of an amended and restated Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Peaceful Ridge Metropolitan District. The 60-acre area included within the request is zoned Residential Suburban (RS-6000) and is located north of Fontaine Boulevard west of Marksheffel Road. The amended and restated service plan includes the following: a maximum debt authorization of $20,000,000.00, a debt service mill levy of 50 mills for residential, and an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills, for a total maximum combined mill levy of 60 mills. No Covenant Enforcement is requested. The Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0). There is no public opposition to the request. (Parcel Nos. Multiple) (Commissioner District No. 4) (ID235) | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-241 | VARIANCE OF USE - 11210 S HOLMES ROAD VA ADDITIONAL UNIT - A request by Drew MacAlmon for approval of a Variance of Use on 4.78 acres to allow an additional dwelling unit for rental in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) district. The property is located at 11210 South Holmes Road which is a quarter of a mile south of the intersection of Burgess Road and South Holmes Road. The application was heard as a regular item at the May 2, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. Discussion included the history of the accessory structure, the timeline of when the rentals started, and how the code has changed since 2018. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the project with a vote of 5-3. The dissenting members identified how this does meet the character of the area, does not meet the conditions of approval for a Variance of Use, and was not a strong application. (Parcel No. 6224000026) (Commissioner District No. 1) (VA234) | pdf (289 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-240 | VACATION AND REPLAT - AFTA SUBDIVISION - A request by CST Metro LLC for approval of an 8.90-acre Vacation and Replat creating 2 commercial lots and 1 tract. The subject property is zoned CS (Commercial Service) and is located northeast of the intersection of New Meridian Road and Highway 24 and southeast of the intersection of Old Meridian Road and Highway 24. The item was heard as a consent agenda item at the Planning Commission hearing on May 16, 2024, and was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. (Parcel Nos. 5312402015, 5312402016, 5312403003, 5312403004, 5312404003, 5312405003, and 5312405005) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VR223) | pdf (454 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-239 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - GUNTZELMAN PORCELAIN PINES - A request by Christa and Kristian Guntzelman for approval of a 35.06-acre Minor Subdivision creating three (3) single-family lots. The property is zoned R-T (Residential Topographic) and is located at the intersection of Mountain Road and Kulsa Road and is approximately one-quarter of a mile west of Chipita Park Road. The item was heard as a called-up consent agenda item on the May 16, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. Three citizens spoke in opposition to the request. One citizen spoke in favor of the request. The item was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. (Parcel No 8322200018) (Commissioner District No. 3) (MS234) | pdf (633 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-238 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - WYOMING ESTATES - A request by Home Run Restorations, Inc. for approval of a 36.62-acre Preliminary Plan depicting 6 single-family residential lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located at 14515, 14715, 14750, and 14755 Teleo Court on the west side of Curtis Road, approximately 2.75 miles north of Highway 94. The applicant is also seeking a finding of water sufficiency with the Preliminary Plan. The item was heard at the May 16, 2024, Planning Commission hearing as a called-up consent agenda item. Two citizens spoke in opposition to the request. The item was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. (Parcel Nos. 4333003003, 4333004001, 4333004002, and 4333004003) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SP237) | pdf (360 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-237 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 3 - Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 4. | pdf (248 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-236 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 3 - Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 3. | pdf (424 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-235 | Proclamation recognizing Juneteenth. | pdf (137 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-234 | Proclamation recognizing Elder Abuse Awareness Day. | pdf (107 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-233 | Resolution to approve partial fee closure of the Jimmy Camp Creek Drainage Basin (FOFO2000) for the remaining final plats in Lorson Ranch. | pdf (271 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-232 | Resolution to establish credits for Lorson LLC within Jimmy Camp Creek Drainage Basin (FOFO2000) for construction of channel improvements within the East Fork Tributary of Jimmy Camp Creek. | pdf (209 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-231 | Resolution to exercise a contract option between El Paso County and the State of Colorado Department of Human Services for the Work Number program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-230 | Resolution to approve the submission of the 2024-2025 Chafee and Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood Grant program combined application and plan. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-229 | SKETCH PLAN - SOUTHERN COLORADO RAIL PARK SKETCH PLAN - A request by Edw C Levy Co D/B/A Schmidt Construction Inc., for approval of a Sketch Plan consisting of 3,108.9 acres to develop a commercial, light, and heavy industrial park with a new rail spur from the existing CSU rail located at the Ray Nixon Power Plant property to the eastern boundary of the Fort Carson Military Installation. The property is located south of Charter Oak Ranch Road and west of I-25. The item was heard on the regular agenda at the May 16, 2024, Planning Commission hearing and recommended for approval with a vote of 9-0. There is no opposition to the request. (Parcel Nos. 6600000030, 6600000040, 6600000041, 6600000046, 6600000047, 6600000048, 6600000004, 6600000008, 6600000009, 6600000010, 6600000011, 6600000012, and 6600000014) (Commissioner District No. 4) (SKP234). | pdf (470 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-228 | Proclamation Remembering D-Day | pdf (101 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-227 | Proclamation recognizing El Paso County's Proud Western Heritage. | pdf (132 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-226 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Deputy Sandra Rincon | pdf (112 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-225 | Resolution Granting the County Attorney's Office Informed Consent to Use Listserv Resources Pursuant to Rule of Professional Conduct 1.6. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-224 | Resolution Regarding Representation of Employees in Restraining Order Matters. | pdf (249 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-223 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 2 for Copper Chase at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (386 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-222 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Road Rumble Strips and Epoxy Striping | pdf (15 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-221 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-13) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-220 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and Unite Private Networks for the Highway 105B Project. | pdf (489 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-219 | Resolution to approve a Joint Trench Agreement between El Paso County and StratusIQ for the Highway 105B Project. | pdf (511 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-218 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Hannah Ridge at Feathergrass Filing No. 6 | pdf (152 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-217 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Hannah Ridge at Feathergrass Filing No. 5 | pdf (197 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-216 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Midtown Collection at Hannah Ridge Filing No. 2 | pdf (145 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-215 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Midtown Collection at Hannah Ridge Filing No. 1 | pdf (154 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-214 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Skyline at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1 | pdf (169 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-213 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Skyline at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 3 | pdf (240 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-212 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of The Ridge at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1 | pdf (436 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-211 | Resolution to opt out of requiring authorizations to operate for ambulance service providers on or after July 1, 2024 and repeal and rescind Resolution 16-100. | pdf (202 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-210 | SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION - PEYTON FIRE STATION - A request by Fairfield and Woods for a Subdivision Exemption specific to 2.50 acres to be utilized as an unmanned fire station for the Peyton Fire Protection District. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located one-half mile east of the intersection of Bradshaw Road and Sweet Road (Parcel No. 3100000255) (Commissioner District No. 2) (EX234) | pdf (175 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-209 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - 23218 HWY 94 REZONE PROJECT - A request by GWH, LLC c/o Michael Butler for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 60 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The property is addressed as 23218 Highway 94, approximately .25 miles north of Highway 94 and .5 miles west of North Ellicott Highway. This item was heard as a called-up consent item on May 2, 2024, by the Planning Commission. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. (Parcel No. 3412000026) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P2312) | pdf (408 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-208 | FINAL PLAT - SPACE VILLAGE ROAD MINOR SUBDIVISION - A request by Jon Spencer for approval of a 22.8-acre Final Plat creating two industrial lots. This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at Planning Commission. The vote was 8-0 for a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is zoned I-3 (Heavy Industrial) and is located roughly one-half mile west of the Marksheffel Road and Space Village Avenue intersection. (Parcel No. 5417001005) (Commissioner District No. 4) (MS227) | pdf (532 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-207 | Proclamation Recognizing Memorial Day | pdf (111 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-206 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding Andrew Haggard Pre-Litigation Claim. | pdf (947 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-205 | Resolution to appoint hearing referees for the 2024 El Paso County Board of Equalization. | pdf (213 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-204 | Resolution to Approve a Petition For Inclusion Into the Security Fire Protection District Concerning the Widefield Community Park And McCrae Reservoir. | pdf (333 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-203 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $480,492 to the unrestricted general fund Clerk & Recorders 2024 budget to establish, maintain, improve, or replace electronic filing system. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-202 | Resolution to Modify the Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement to include and approve the Annual Operating Plan and Financial Plan for 2024. | pdf (944 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-201 | Resolution approving the First Amended and Restated Term Sheet under the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects Discretionary Grant Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-200 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-120), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-120) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-199 | Resolution to Approve a Used Hazmat Vehicle Donation Agreement Between El Paso County and Leadville Lake County Fire Rescue. | pdf (333 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-198 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the Colorado Springs Fire Department. | pdf (145 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-197 | Land Development Code - 2024 Fee Schedule Update - A request to approve the 2024 Planning and Community Development Department Fee Schedule. (All Commissioner Districts) (LDC241) | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-196 | Proclamation recognizing National Charter School Week 2024. | pdf (134 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-195 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,965,951.00 from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration, through the contract for Jail Based Behavioral Services, to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-194 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Ellicott Fire Protection District. | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-193 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Stadium Medical. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-192 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to iCare Ambulance. | pdf (141 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-191 | FINAL PLAT - HAY CREEK VALLEY SUBDIVISION - A request by View Homes, Inc. for approval of a Final Plat for the Hay Creek Valley Subdivision to create 20 single-family residential lots and 3 tracts. The site is 214.62 acres, zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) 5-acre minimum lot size, and located south of the Town of Monument, adjacent to Hay Creek Road. The item was heard on the called-up consent agenda at the April 18, 2024, Planning Commission Hearing. Members of the public spoke in opposition to the proposed Final Plat. Concerns included additional lots in the area, inadequate access, and traffic. The motion to approve the final plat failed with a vote of 3-5, resulting in a recommendation of denial. (Parcel Nos. 7100000267, 7100000268, 7100000269, 7100000270, 7133000001, & 7133007014) (Commissioner District No. 3) (SF2324) | pdf (522 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-190 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - OVERLOOK AT HOMESTEAD - A request by NES, Inc. for approval of a Preliminary Plan consisting of 346.55 acres to create 62 single-family residential lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located one-half mile north of the intersection of Elbert Road and Sweet Road, and one-half mile south of the intersection of Elbert Road and Hopper Road. The item was heard on the called-up consent agenda at the April 18, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. The Planning Commission requested the item be heard on the called-up consent agenda to discuss drainage issues related to the topography of the proposed Preliminary Plan application. A member of the public spoke in opposition to the project, specifically to the placement of the proposed drainage ponds in relationship to his property. The Preliminary Plan application was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 7-0. (Parcel Nos. 4100000255, 4100000256, and 4122000005) (Commissioner District No. 2) (SP238) | pdf (619 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-189 | VACATION AND REPLAT - MAYBERRY FILING NO. 2A - A request by Mayberry Communities, LLC for approval of a Vacation and Replat of 3.5 acres reconfiguring one tract, three lots, and dedication of right-of-way. The proposal does not increase the number of lots or tracts on the property. A concurrent Map Amendment is also being requested. The property is located on the south side of Colorado State Highway 94, approximately 2 miles east of the intersection of Highway 94 and Peyton Highway. The item was heard on the consent agenda at the April 18, 2024 Planning Commission hearing and was recommended for approval with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel Nos. 3414201031 and 3414201030) (Commissioner District No. 4) (CS234) | pdf (555 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-188 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MAYBERRY FILING NO. 2A CS REZONE - A request by Mayberry Communities, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 1 acre from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to CS (Commercial Service). A concurrent Vacation and Replat is also being requested (VR2323). The Map Amendment application was heard as a consent agenda item at the April 18, 2024 Planning Commission hearing and was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 7-0. The property is located on the south side of Colorado State Highway 94, approximately 2 miles east of the intersection of Highway 94 and Peyton Highway. (Parcel Nos. 3414201031 and 3414201030) (Commissioner District No. 4) (CS234) | pdf (569 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-187 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - 16050 OLD DENVER ROAD REZONE - A request by Vertex Consulting Services for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 8.07 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The property is located at 16050 Old Denver Road, one-half mile north of the intersection of Baptist Road and Old Denver Road. The item was heard on the called-up consent agenda at the Planning Commission hearing on April 18, 2024. Discussion by the Planning Commission members was primarily focused on the Rural Master Plan Placetype and if the application was in line with the land uses outlined in that Placetype. The Map Amendment was unanimously recommended for approval with a vote of 7-0. (Parcel No. 7126004010) | pdf (472 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-186 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - 7125 NORTH MERIDIAN ROAD REZONE FROM CR TO CS - A request by CAP Storage Falcon, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 2.13 acres from CR (Commercial Regional) to CS (Commercial Service). The vote was 8-0 to recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located approximately one-quarter mile south of East Woodmen Road on the northwest corner of Old Meridian Road and McLaughlin Road. (Parcel No. 5312114004) (Commissioner District No. 2) (CS241) | pdf (411 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-185 | VACATION AND REPLAT - BENT GRASS REPLAT - A request by Cd Meridian & Bent Grass LLC for approval of a 1.46-acre Vacation and Replat creating two commercial lots. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Service). The Vacation and Replat application was heard as a consent agenda item at the April 18, 2024, Planning Commission hearing and was unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 8-0. The property is located at 8035 Meridian Park Drive, south of the intersection of Bent Grass Meadows Drive and Meridian Park Drive. (Parcel No. 5301104002) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VR2316) | pdf (299 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-184 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - ROLLING HILLS RANCH NORTH - A request by GTL, Inc. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 148.873 acres from a conceptual PUD (Planned Unit Development) to a site-specific PUD (Planned Unit Development) with approval of a Preliminary Plan for 441 single-family residential lots, 3 tracts, 46 acres of open space, and 24 acres of land dedicated for public right-of-way. The property is located at the eastern end of Rex Road, approximately 1.5 miles east of Meridian Road. The item was heard as a called-up consent agenda item at the regular Planning Commission hearing on April 18, 2024 and was recommended for approval with a vote of 6-0. (Parcel No. 4200000477) | pdf (758 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-183 | Amended Resolution regarding display of firearms in County facilities. | pdf (288 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-182 | Resolution to Accept a Special Warranty Deed From Mountain View Ranches to El Paso County, Colorado for a Portion of Myers Road Right-of-Way. | pdf (370 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-181 | Resolution to approve reimbursement from the Big Johnson/Crews Gulch Drainage Basin (FOFO2600) drainage fund to El Paso County Public Works | pdf (216 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-180 | Resolution for approval to enter into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) for PPRTA 3 project advancement funding | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-179 | Resolution to approve a Permanent Easement with the Fountain Sanitation District | pdf (913 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-178 | Hearing on the application by Essence Nails & Spa LLC d/b/a Essence Nails & Spa for a beer and wine liquor license on the premises located at 11910 Tourmaline Drive Suite 112, El Paso County (Commissioner District 2). | pdf (197 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-177 | Resolution to approve funding recommendations and subrecipient awards for the 2024-2026 Community Services Block Grant Cycle. | pdf (203 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-176 | Proclamation Recognizing May 2nd as the National Day of Prayer. | pdf (97 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-175 | Resolution to recognize the donation of miscellaneous books to be used by the Jail from various individuals for the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (67 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-174 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 2 for Sterling Ranch Filing No. 5. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-173 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 2 for Sterling Ranch Filing No. 4. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-172 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Windermere Subdivision Filing No. 1. | pdf (228 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-171 | Proclamation Recognizing Small Business Week | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-170 | Proclamation recognizing Período de Commemoración Hispana | pdf (125 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-169 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Mary Lynn Black | pdf (111 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-168 | Proclamation Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month. | pdf (97 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-167 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Christopher and Adela Mott. | pdf (104 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-166 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $6,397,662.00 from Road and Bridge Fund Balance to the Road and Bridge Fund 2024 budget. | pdf (85 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-165 | Resolution to open an account for the 2024 El Paso County Demolition Derby events within the Recreation & Cultural Services division to be used for expenditures incurred during the two events. | pdf (187 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-164 | Resolution to Accept Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-1, TE-2, TE-3, and TE-4) Associated with the Dix Circle and Libby Court Stormwater Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-163 | Resolution Approving a Refund of Park Fees to SR Land, LLC. | pdf (697 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-162 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Edison Fire Protection District. | pdf (141 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-161 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Ambulnz CO. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-160 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District. | pdf (146 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-159 | Resolution authorizing litigation against the State of Colorado to challenge provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes pertaining to immigration. | pdf (42 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-158 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - 6225 VESSEY RD – REZONE - A request by Pawel Posorski for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 6.02 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The property is located at 6225 Vessey Road, which is located roughly half a mile east of the intersection of Vessey Road and Neva Lane. This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at Planning Commission. The vote was 8-1 for a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The discussion included Mr. Whitney being opposed due to the zoning not being consistent with the area and having questions about the non-conformity of lots in the surrounding area. (Parcel No. 5206000107) (Commissioner District No. 1) (P241) | pdf (370 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-157 | VACATION AND REPLAT - SEDER SUBDIVISION - VACATE AND REPLAT - A request by Steve Seder for approval of a Vacation and Replat of 9.37-acres creating a replat of two (2) industrial lot from one (1) industrial lot, resulting in a net increase of one (1) industrial lot. The property is zoned M (Industrial), and is located at 2725 Akers Drive, which is roughly one tenth of a mile south of the intersection of Electric Drive and Akers Road. Some items of discussion included cost and timeline of the clean-up, safety and hazards of the clean-up, and history of the project. Various commissioners had concerns about the applicant’s ability to sell the property to fund the clean-up of roofing materials and what ensures that the applicant would follow through. The Vacation and Replat application was heard as a regular agenda item at the March 21, 2024, Planning Commission hearing and was unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission with a vote of 9-0. (Parcel No. 5332002015) (Commissioner District No. 2) (VR2319) | pdf (367 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-156 | Resolution authorizing and approving the lease-purchase of certain property and the execution of documents related thereto by El Paso County, Colorado in connection with the issuance of Certificates of Participation, series 2024, in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $15,000,000. | pdf (99 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-155 | Resolution to execute the 2024 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Black Forest Slash and Mulch Committee (SAMCOM) for the operation of the Black Forest Slash and Mulch Program. | pdf (757 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-154 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant application to the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation in the amount of $20,000.00. | pdf (134 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-153 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District. | pdf (147 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-152 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Flight for Life. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-151 | Hearing on the application by Sun Young USA Corporation d/b/a Sushi Daiyo, for a hotel and restaurant liquor license on the premises located at 1830 Main Street, Suite 100, El Paso County (Commissioner District 4). | pdf (196 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-150 | Proclamation Recognizing April as National County Government Month. | pdf (239 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-149 | Resolution to Approve the First Amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding for Rail-Served Economic Development Initiative. | pdf (354 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-148 | Resolution to recognize supplemental revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,847.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program (OJJDP) passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (95 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-147 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $39,641.00 from the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (471 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-146 | Resolution to approve the 2024 Colorado Statewide Internet Portal Authority Eligible Governmental Entity Agreement for the benefit of the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder's Office. | pdf (919 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-145 | Resolution Delegating approval authority to the County Engineer for certain agreements. | pdf (124 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-144 | Resolution to grant and accept a Quitclaim Deed for Rex Road. | pdf (462 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-143 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - FOREST HEIGHTS ESTATES - A request by Jon Didleaux and Phyllis Didleau Revocable Trust for approval of a 32.618-acre Minor Subdivision creating four (4) single-family residential lots and two (2) tracts. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located at 8250 Forest Heights Circle, Colorado Springs, CO, 80908. | pdf (642 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-142 | FINAL PLAT - CRAWFORD APARTMENTS - A request by Aime Ventures, LLC for approval of a 1.157-acre Final Plat creating one multifamily lot to accommodate 22 multifamily units. The property is zoned RM-30 (Residential Multi-Dwelling) and is located on the north side of Crawford Avenue, approximately 350 feet west of Grinnell Boulevard. | pdf (465 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-141 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - GRAUPNER SUBDIVISION - A request by M.V.E. Inc. for approval of a 41.37-acre Minor Subdivision illustrating four single-family lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 14710 Tanner Trail and 0.64 miles south of the intersection of Woodlake Road and Tanner Trail. | pdf (555 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-140 | FINAL PLAT - PAIR-A-DISE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 - A request by Aaron Atwood for approval of a 5.04-acre Final Plat illustrating two single family lots. The property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 515 Struthers Loop and is one third of a mile south of the intersection of West Baptist Road and Leather Chaps Road. | pdf (492 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-139 | Resolution approving a Petition for Inclusion of property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - The Trails Filing No. 9. | pdf (239 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-138 | Proclamation Recognizing National Library Week | pdf (122 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-137 | Resolution to approve sublease with Mount Carmel Veteran Services Center. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-136 | Resolution revising the El Paso County Travel Policy | pdf (254 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-135 | Resolution to approve the transfer of subdivision plan and plat fees held by the Board of County Commissioners to the appropriate school districts within El Paso County. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-134 | Resolution for approval of Intergovernmental Agreement for provision of burial and/or cremation of indigent or unclaimed remains. | pdf (780 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-133 | Resolution to Accept a General Warranty Deed from Black Forest Trails Association, Inc. to El Paso County, Colorado for a Portion of the Arroyo Lane/Vollmer Road Property. | pdf (327 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-132 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the University of Colorado Hospital Authority. | pdf (146 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-131 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for American Medical Response. | pdf (143 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-130 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Legacy EMS Inc. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-129 | Resolution to approve the grant agreement 188582 between the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and El Paso County, for funding the El Paso County Land Development Code Update and to accept and appropriate federal funding in the amount of $250,000.00 to the Planning and Community Development 2024 budget. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-128 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $8,000.00 from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Click it or Ticket grant program passed-through the Colorado Department of Transportation to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-127 | Resolution to approve intergovernmental agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for right-of-way access for the development and maintenance of broadband infrastructure. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-125 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Hannah Ridge at Feathergrass Filing No. 4. | pdf (376 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-124 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Hannah Ridge at Feathergrass Filing No. 3. | pdf (380 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-123 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (348 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-122 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Lorson Ranch East Filing No. 4. | pdf (860 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-121 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 2. | pdf (587 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-120 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 1. | pdf (508 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-119 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Metro One Ambulance. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-118 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Falcon Fire Protection District. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-117 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - STERLING RANCH NORTH RS-5000 REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) 328.72 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RS-5000 (Residential Suburban). | pdf (434 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-116 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - STERLING RANCH NORTH RR-0.5 REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) 37.87 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-0.5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (410 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-115 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - STERLING RANCH NORTH RR-2.5 REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) 33.97 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (410 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-114 | SKETCH PLAN - STERLING RANCH SKETCH PLAN AMENDMENT - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, for approval of a 212-acre Sketch Plan Amendment to the approved 1,444-acre Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan. | pdf (366 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-111 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - MAYBERRY FILING NO. 4 - A request by Mayberry Communities, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 4.44 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to CS (Commercial Service). | pdf (418 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-112 | FINAL PLAT - MAYBERRY FILING NO. 4 - A request by Mayberry Communities, LLC for approval of a Final Plat creating eight (8) commercial lots on 4.44 acres. | pdf (564 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-113 | FINAL PLAT - JOYFUL VIEW SUBDIVISION - A request by OGC RE2, LLC for approval of a 70.24-acre Final Plat creating nine (9) single-family residential lots. | pdf (515 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-317A Amended | (IGA) Resolution Approving Intergovernmental Agreement for Powers Boulevard Extension Reimbursement Between the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority, City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, and Copper Ridge Metropolitan District. | pdf (587 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-110 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Regarding Incinerator Use and Restrictions. | pdf (769 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-109 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Town of Palmer Lake Regarding Incinerator Use and Restrictions. | pdf (725 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-108 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Town of Monument Regarding Incinerator Use and Restrictions. | pdf (742 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-107 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and City of Manitou Springs Regarding Incinerator Use and Restrictions. | pdf (747 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-106 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $105.00 from a donation by WolfSinger Publications to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (73 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-105 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement (PE-1), Associated with Christion Open Space/I-25 and Bandley Road by and between El Paso County and the Colorado Department of Transportation. | pdf (631 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-104 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Ute Pass Regional Health Service District. | pdf (145 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-103 | Resolution to reappropriate 2023 contracts, projects, and purchase orders from various fund balances and to recognize revenue to the 2024 Budget. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-102 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Christopher Garvin | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-101 | Resolution to recognize revenues and expenditures for various budgets that need revisions for fiscal year 2023 | pdf (225 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-100 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $6,611,096 from various restricted general fund balances and Conservation Trust to the 2024 budgets. | pdf (397 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-99 | Resolution for authorization of Petty Cash for budget year 2024 | pdf (175 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-98 | Resolution authorizing disbursement of El Paso County Road Impact Fee funds. | pdf (55 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-97 | Resolution to approve the creation of credits in the Road Impact Fee Program to GTL Development, Inc. for construction of eligible improvements | pdf (996 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-96 | Resolution to Accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-5 and PE-6) Associated with the B St Pipe Repair Project. | pdf (936 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-95 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Flying Horse North Filing No. 1 | pdf (276 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-94 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Lorson Ranch East Filing No. 1 | pdf (537 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-93 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Creekside South Filing No. 1 | pdf (215 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-92 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 3 | pdf (263 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-91 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - KNECHT REZONE - A request by Jon Knecht for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 21.03± acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The properties combined are 21.03-acres and are located at 12375 North Meridian Road and 12425 North Meridian Road. | pdf (382 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-90 | PUD/PRELIMINARY PLAN - STERLING RANCH FILING NO. 5 PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, for approval of a combined Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plan to create 72 single-family residential lots in a single phase of development. The 11.66-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located north of Sterling Ranch Road, east of Vollmer Road immediately adjacent to and west of Dines Boulevard. | pdf (698 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-89 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - STERLING RANCH EAST FILING NO. 5 - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Preliminary Plan to create 72 single-family residential lots in a single phase of development. The 47.17-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and RR-0.5 (Residential Rural). A concurrent Map Amendment (Rezoning) is also requested. The property is located south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor and east of the Sand Creek Channel. | pdf (528 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-88 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) - STERLING RANCH EAST FILING NO. 5 REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) 42.03 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RS-5000 (Residential Suburban). The property is located south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor and east of the Sand Creek Channel. | pdf (395 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-87 | Resolution Approving a Petitioner for Inclusion of Property Within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Creekside at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 2. | pdf (104 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-86 | Hearing on the application by Roll Up Food Truck, LLC d/b/a Roll Up, for a Hotel and Restaurant liquor license on the premises located at 301 Main Street, El Paso County | pdf (198 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-85 | Resolution to approve an amendment (A3) to Intergovernmental Agreement 2021CMIP022 with the State of Colorado, Health Care Policy & Financing related to the SFY2024 earned incentives program for Health First Colorado/Medicaid. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-84 | Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Standard Off-System Utility Reimbursement Agreement between El Paso County, and Mountain View Electric Association, Inc. regarding Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements Project. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-83 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Security Fire Protection District. | pdf (158 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-82 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Sterling Ranch Filing No. 4. | pdf (469 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-81 AMENDED | Resolution to approve the 2024 Annual Road Maintenance Program. | pdf (719 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-80 | Resolution to approve a Certificate of Taxes Due Portal Subscriber Agreement on behalf of the El Paso County Treasurer’s Office. | pdf (854 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-79 | Resolution to Approve El Paso County Parks and Community Services Park Land Agreement Program Guidelines. | pdf (602 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-78 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-112) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-77 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Children's Hospital Colorado. | pdf (176 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-76 | LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT - LANDSCAPE CODE UPDATE - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to amend Chapter 6 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (as amended) pertaining to Section 6.2 Development Standards for Ancillary Facilities and Activities, specifically, sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 to provide clarification of the requirements, increase options for landscaping materials, and provide a Landscaping and Planting Manual for reference. | pdf (11 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-75 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding the Estate of Desaree Archuleta Pre-Litigation Claim. | pdf (967 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-74 | Resolution to amend the El Paso County Parks Rules and Regulations. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-73 | Resolution to revise the Fair Advisory Board bylaws. | pdf (509 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-72 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $4,008.00 from a donation by Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (74 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-71 | Resolution to recognize supplemental revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $45,000.00 from the State of Colorado, Colorado Department of Public Safety, through the Beating Auto Theft through Law Enforcement Grant Program (BATTLE) to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (102 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-70 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $5,550,000 to the Road and Bridge 2024 budget for design and construction of the El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements Project. | pdf (134 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-69 | Resolution to approve the 2023 Stormwater Annual Report [(Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)] for CDPS Permit Certification NO. COR090011. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-68 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Jackson Ranch Filing No. 4. | pdf (204 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-67 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of The Reserve at Corral Bluffs Filing No. 2. | pdf (221 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-66 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Forest Lakes Filing No. 7. | pdf (266 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-65 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Cloverleaf Filing No. 2. | pdf (307 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-64 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of the Retreat at Timberridge Filing No. 2. | pdf (380 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-63 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Peyton Fire Protection District. | pdf (146 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-62 | Resolution Approving a Settlement Conference Agreement. | pdf (367 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-61 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,550.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program (OJJDP) passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (95 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-60 | Resolution to amend the bylaws of the El Paso County Community Corrections Board. | pdf (496 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-59 | Resolution to approve Road Name Changes of Besseyi Way to Tbird Way and El Reno Lane to Kona Way and Union Pacific Way to Asano Way in the Mayberry Subdivision Filing 3. | pdf (587 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-58 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Asteri EMS. | pdf (144 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-53 | Resolution amending the El Paso County Personnel Policies Manual. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-57 | LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - TEMPORARY SIGN CODE AMENDMENT - Amendments to the El Paso County Land Development Code Chapter 6, General Development Standards, Article 2, Development Standards for Ancillary Facilities and Activities, Section 10, Signs, On-Premise, related to standards for temporary signs in residential, commercial, and industrial zoning districts. | pdf (435 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-56 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - WESTERN DRIVE TOWNHOMES REZONE - A request by M.V.E., Inc. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezone) of the southern 2.99 acres of 721 Western Drive, which is a split-zoned 7.12-acre lot, from M (Industrial) to RM-30 (Residential Multi-Dwelling). The property is located on the south side of Western Drive, north of US Highway 24, and east of Hathaway Drive. | pdf (344 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-55 | FINAL PLAT - FOUNDATION LUTHERAN CHURCH SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 - A request by Foundation Lutheran Church for approval of a 5.968-acre Final Plat illustrating one (1) commercial lot. The property is zoned CR (Commercial Regional) and is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Towner Avenue and Londonderry Drive, approximately three-quarters of a mile west of the intersection of Londonderry Drive and Meridian Road. | pdf (442 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-54 | VACATION AND REPLAT - HILL SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1 - A request by Douglas and Katherine Hill for approval of a 14.69-acre Vacation and Replat illustrating a replat of one (1) residential lot as three (3) residential lots, resulting in a net increase of residential lots of two (2). The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located at 6910 Alpaca Heights, Colorado Springs, CO 80908. | pdf (303 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-52 | Hearing on the application by Dillon Companies LLC, d/b/a King Soopers #147, for a Retail Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine license on the premises located at 7530 Falcon Market Place, El Paso County (Commissioner District 2). | pdf (206 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-51 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $450.00 from donations by the Black Forest Community Club in the amount of $200.00, Floyd & Sun Sim Smith in the amount of $200.00, and from Eugene & Mary Johnston in the amount of $50.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget and recognize the donation miscellaneous books from various individuals to be used by the Jail. | pdf (97 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-50 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $22,270.00 from Roller & Associates, Inc. to the Sheriff's Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (84 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-49 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-122), a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-122), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-122) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-48 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deeds (RW-119 and RW-119A), a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-119), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-119 and TE-119A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-47 | Resolution to Approve Memorandum of Understanding to Acquire Digital Orthorectified Imagery. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-46 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 3 - Foursquare at Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 1. | pdf (93 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-45 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 3 - Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 1. | pdf (91 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-44 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 3 - Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 2. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-42 | Resolution to recognize revenue of $80,000.00 from the El Paso County Fairgrounds Corporation and appropriate expenditures to the Community Services Department, 2024 budget. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-41 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $182,343.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (94 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-40 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $170,000.00 from The Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Board (VALE) grant to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (495 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-39 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $80,785.00 from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Federal Grant to the Sheriff’s Office 2024 Budget. | pdf (89 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-38 | Resolution to Approve Memorandum of Agreements and to Approve and Accept Temporary Construction Easement Agreements Associated with the Security Ditch Project. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-37 | Resolution to approve a development agreement between El Paso County and GTL Development, Inc. | pdf (678 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-36 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-8), a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-8), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-8) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-35 | Resolution to Approve a Possession and Use Agreement with the Meridian Service Metropolitan District Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-33 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-1) Associated with the South Academy Boulevard Widening/Las Vegas Bridge Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-32 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Timberview Filing No. 2 Subdivision. | pdf (209 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-31 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of Prairie Ridge Filing No. 1 Subdivision. | pdf (169 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-30 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - OVERLOOK AT HOMESTEAD REZONE - A request by PT Overlook LLC for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) 350.83 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (542 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-29 | VARIANCE OF USE - 15080 W CHAPARRAL LOOP - A request by Zach Gatti for approval of a Variance of Use on 10.58 acres to allow a second dwelling in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) district. The property is located at 15080 W Chaparral Loop, which is approximately half a mile from the intersection of E Chaparral Loop and Wagon Trail. | pdf (286 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-28 | FINAL PLAT - ROMENS SUBDIVISION - A request by Romens Living Trust, Adelaida Romens, Trustee, for approval of a Final Plat to create seven (7) single-family residential lots. The 36.53-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located between the intersections of Hopper Road, Bradshaw Road, and Cleese Court. | pdf (453 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-27 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - MURR SUBDIVISION - A request by Erik and Sharon Murr for approval of a Minor Subdivision to create four (4) single-family residential lots. The 37.4-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located on the north side of Davis Road, approximately one-half of a mile west of Curtis Road. | pdf (471 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-12 | Proclamation Recognizing Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. | pdf (102 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-26 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Stratmoor Valley Streetlights Public Improvement District. | pdf (712 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-25 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 budget for Stratmoor Valley Streetlights Public Improvement District. | pdf (291 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-24 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for the Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (238 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-23 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 budget for Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (291 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-22 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2024 Budget for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (85 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-21 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (229 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-20 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 budget for Public Improvement District No. 3. | pdf (275 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-19 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2024 Budget for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (85 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-18 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (231 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-17 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 budget for Public Improvement District No. 2. | pdf (286 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-16 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 budget for Public Improvement District No. 1. | pdf (353 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-15 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2024 budget adoption. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-14 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of El Paso County's mill levy for the 2023 property taxes payable in 2024 and allocate revenues from such property taxes, the specific ownership tax, and the sales and use tax among the County's various funds. | pdf (279 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-13 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2024 Budget. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-11 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding Steven M. Wren v. El Paso County Sheriff's Office, et al., United States District Court for the District of Colorado, Case No. 2022-CV-02728-GPG-MDB. | pdf (956 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-10 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of Matika Subdivision Filing No. 1. | pdf (203 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-9 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant application for the 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (“EMPG”) on behalf of the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-8 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the City of Fountain Fire Department. | pdf (143 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-7 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Calhan Fire Protection District. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-6 | Resolution approving an updated Ambulance Service License for Legacy EMS, Inc. | pdf (134 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-5 | Resolution to reaffirm the posting location for public meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Clerk and Recorder as the custodian of the minutes. | pdf (108 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-4 | Resolution finding sufficiency of crime insurance policy coverage for elected and county officials. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-3 | Resolution to adopt the 2024 County Commissioner Liaison Responsibilities. | pdf (264 kB) |
Resolutions | 24-2 | Resolution to establish the organizational structure of the County's Governmental Offices. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 24-1 | Resolution to appoint Chair and Vice Chair and amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-422 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - FALCON HIGHLANDS SOUTH - A request by Challenger Communities, LLC, for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with approval of a Preliminary Plan to update the development proposal from 138 single-family residential lots and nine (9) tracts to 378 single-family residential lots and nine (9) tracts, including 39.9 acres of open space provisions and 19.9 acres of land dedicated for public rights-of-way. | pdf (800 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-421 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - CROSSROADS AT MEADOWBROOK MIXED USE PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Colorado Springs Equities, LLC for approval of an amended water sufficiency finding for the Crossroads Mixed Use Preliminary Plan (PCD File No. SP2011). The 29.04-acre property is located at the northwest corner of the Meadowbrook Parkway and Highway 24 intersection. | pdf (133 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-420 | FINAL PLAT - RETREAT AT TIMBERRIDGE FILING NO. 3 - A request by TimberRidge Development Group, LLC for approval of a 44.35-acre Final Plat to create 33 single-family lots. The property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and is located immediately adjacent and south of Arroya Lane and to the east of Vollmer Road. | pdf (699 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-419 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - BRADLEY POINT FILING NO. 1 - A request by Bradley Point, LLC for approval of a 9.736-acre Minor Subdivision creating two (2) industrial lots. The property is zoned M (Industrial) and is located on the east side of East Las Vegas Street/CanAm Highway, at the southbound exit ramp of South Academy Road turning northwest onto East Las Vegas Street/CanAm Highway. | pdf (515 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-418 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Colorado Springs for traffic signal maintenance. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-417 | Resolution to grant a Quitclaim Deed from El Paso County to Widefield School District 3 for Tract B, Morning Sun I and to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement regarding use of the property. | pdf (607 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-416 | Resolution to Approve the Submission of the Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program Plan Application for youth 18-26. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-415 | Resolution to approve a Mill Levy Certification Policy which authorizes and delegates administrative approval. | pdf (310 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-414 | Resolution to approve an exemption from audit for fiscal year 2023 for the Emergency Services Authority. | pdf (98 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-413 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with El Paso County Public Health. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-412 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Pikes Peak Workforce Center. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-411 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Department of Human Services. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-410 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to the Manitou Springs Fire Department. | pdf (133 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-409 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Tri-Lakes Monument FPD dba Monument Fire District. | pdf (132 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-404 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $100.00 from a donation by Richard Ferguson to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (68 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-408 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property Within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 – Copper Chase at Sterling Ranch. | pdf (114 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-407 | Hearing on the application by Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. d/b/a Chipotle Mexican Grill #4612 for a beer and wine license on the premises located at 7565 Falcon Market Place, El Paso County. | pdf (181 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-406 | Second Reading of County Ordinance 07-01, as amended, An Ordinance Prohibiting Illicit Discharges Into the County Storm Sewer System. | pdf (281 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-405 | Proclamation Recognizing Pearl Harbor Day. | pdf (115 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-403 | Resolution to Approve a Regional Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 and Classic SRJ Land, LLC., for Numerous Filings within Sterling Ranch. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-402 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Judge Orr Ranchettes into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (190 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-401 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - ABTR STORAGE CS REZONE - A request by Anthio Properties, LLC, for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 38.9 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). This item was heard as a consent item on the agenda at Planning Commission on November 2, 2023. There was no public or board discussion. The vote was 9-0 to recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners. The property is located at 415 North Franceville Coal Mine Road, at the intersection of North Franceville Road and Highway 94. (Parcel No. 4400000565) (Commissioner District No. 4) (CS232). | pdf (331 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-400 | Resolution to approve a 7.6% inflationary increase to drainage and bridge fees. | pdf (546 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-399 | Resolution to recognize and appropriate General Fund Emergency Fund balance funding in the amount of $1,900,000 to the General Fund Emergency response 2023 budget for Natural Resources Conservation Service, emergency watershed protection projects. | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-398 | A Resolution to acknowledge the achievement of accreditation by the Pikes Peak Regional Office Of Emergency Management. | pdf (141 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-397 | Resolution to approve Mutual Termination of a Second Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the El Paso County Emergency Services Authority by and between El Paso County, Colorado, and The City Of Fountain, Colorado. | pdf (393 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-396 | Resolution to recognize revenue in the amount of $9,711,462 and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $12,211,462 for various budgets that need to be revised for fiscal year 2023. | pdf (158 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-395 | Resolution to accept grant funding recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $73,500 from the Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG). | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-394 | Request for approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado, and the City of Colorado Springs to obtain the services of the City’s Quality of Life team for the cleanup of homeless camps within unincorporated El Paso County on an as-needed basis. | pdf (481 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-393 | Resolution to approve the El Paso County Snow and Ice Control Program. | pdf (402 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-392 | Proclamation recognizing Small Business Saturday. | pdf (126 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-391 | Proclamation recognizing National Adoption Month. | pdf (119 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-390 | Resolution to approve the grant agreement NR238B05XXXXC011 between the United States Department of Agriculture, natural resources conservation service, for implementation of recovery measures and to recognize and appropriate federal funding in the amount of $6,950,000.00 to the general fund emergency response 2023 budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-389 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Midwest Medical Transport Company, LLC. | pdf (138 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-360A Amended | (Escrow Agreement) FINAL PLAT - SOLACE APARTMENTS FILING NO. 2 - A request by CS Powers & Galley, LLC, for approval of a 7.685-acre Final Plat illustrating one (1) multi-family residential lot consisting of 108 multi-family dwelling units. | pdf (329 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-372 Amended | CS-21-003 - A request by Circle K Stores Inc. for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from C-2 (Commercial) and RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The 8.99 acre property is located northeast of the intersection of New Meridian and Highway 24 and southeast of the intersection of Old Meridian and Highway 24 and within Section 12, Township 13 South, and Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel Nos.53124-02-015, 53124-02-016, 53124-03-003, 53124-03-004, 53124-04-003, 53124-05-003 and 53124-05-005) | pdf (468 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-388 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - FAIRYTALE ACRES - A request by Jacob and Sherry Kershman for approval of a 14.36-acre Minor Subdivision illustrating four (4) single-family residential lots. | pdf (468 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-387 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - FAIRYTALE ACRES - A request by Jacob and Sherry Kershman for approval of a Map Amendment rezoning 7.59 acres of a 14.54-acre property from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (87 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-386 | Proclamation Recognizing Law Enforcement Records Personnel Week 2023. | pdf (106 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-385 | Resolution to approve the application to the State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs, for the Gray and Black Market Marijuana Enforcement Program by the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (75 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-384 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services regarding the lease and purchase of State-funded computing assets. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-383 | Resolution to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Prowers County, Colorado regarding after-hours calls to the State Hotline for Child Welfare and Adult Protection concerns at an anticipated cost of $132,576. | pdf (608 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-382 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for Student Transportation Cost Sharing between El Paso County Department of Human Services and Elbert County School District 200. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-381 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for Student Transportation Cost Sharing between El Paso County Department of Human Services and Big Sandy School District 100J. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-380 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a grant to the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, for implementation of recovery measures in the amount of $6,590,000.00. | pdf (915 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-379A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-118) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-118 and TE-118A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (785 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-379 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-118) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-118 and TE-118A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-378A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-106 and PE-106A) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-106 and TE-106A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (995 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-378 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-106 and PE-106A) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-106 and TE-106A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-377A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-12 and PE-12A), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-12) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-377 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-12 and PE-12A), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-12) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-376A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-11), Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-11, PE-11A, PE-11B, PE-11C) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-11 and TE-11A) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-376 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-11), Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-11, PE-11A, PE-11B, PE-11C) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-11 and TE-11A) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-375A | (Quitclaim Deed) Resolution to Grant a Quitclaim Deed to Reagan Ranch Development LLC for Railroad Right-of-Way. | pdf (200 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-375 | Resolution to Grant a Quitclaim Deed to Reagan Ranch Development LLC for Railroad Right-of-Way. | pdf (281 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-374 | Proclamation recognizing Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada. | pdf (105 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-441 Amended | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 6855 CONSTITUTION AVE REZONE TO CS - A request by Galloway and Company for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from RM-30 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling) to CS (Commercial Service). The 3.72-acre property is located directly southeast of the intersection of Constitution Avenue and Peterson Road and within Section 5, Township 14 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. If the request for a map amendment (rezone) is approved to CS (Commercial Service), the applicant intends to submit a site development plan for a mini warehouse. El Paso County Planning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 8-0. (Parcel No. 54061-14-001) | pdf (275 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-193 Amended | Map Amendment (Rezoning) - Citizen on Constitution - a request by Feathergrass Investments, LLC, for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) of 10.54 acres from CS (Commercial Service) to RM-30 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling) and is subject to the CAD-O (Commercial Airport District Overlay). The parcel is located at the southwestern corner of the Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road intersection, and are within Section 5, Township 14 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 54051-04-075) (Commissioner District No. 2) (P-21-008) | pdf (412 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-373 | Resolution approving general release and monetary settlement regarding Nimeth, et al. v. El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, et al., Fourth Judicial District Court Case No. 2022CV31752.Fourth Judicial District Court Case No. 2022CV31752. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-372 | Resolution to approve the submittal of the "Off-System Bridge Program Grant Application" by the Department of Public Works for the McClaskey Road bridge design and preconstruction. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-371 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Creekside at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1 into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (512 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-370 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Settlers View into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (207 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-369 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Gleneagle Golf Course Infill Filing No. 2 into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (175 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-368 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 2 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (255 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-367 | Resolution approving an Updated Ambulance Service License for American Medical Response. | pdf (130 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-366 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Hanover Fire Protection District. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-365 | Proclamation Recognizing October as Arts Month in El Paso County. | pdf (112 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-364 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,250.00 from a donation by Dog Agility of the Pike Peaks Region to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget and recognize the donation of miscellaneous books from various individuals to be used by the Jail. | pdf (80 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-363 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Apex Paramedics, LLC. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-357 | Proclamation supporting the State of Israel. | pdf (122 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-362 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - HAY CREEK PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Matrix Design Group Inc. for approval of a 213.41-acre Preliminary Plan illustrating twenty (20) single-family lot. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), located at 2855 Hay Creek Road, 1.26 miles from Baptist Road. | pdf (474 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-361 | FINAL PLAT - THE GLEN AT WIDEFIELD FILING NO. 12 - A request by Glen Investment Group No. VIII, LLC, for approval of a Final Plat to create seventy-nine (79) single-family residential lots and three (3) tracts. The 27.23-acre property is zoned RS-6000 (Residential Suburban) and is subject to the CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay) district. The property is located on the west side of South Marksheffel Road, approximately one-half of a mile south of Fontaine Boulevard. | pdf (538 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-360 | FINAL PLAT - SOLACE APARTMENTS FILING NO. 2 - A request by CS Powers & Galley, LLC, for approval of a 7.685-acre Final Plat illustrating one (1) multi-family residential lot consisting of 108 multi-family dwelling units. The property is zoned RM-12 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling) and is subject to the CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay) District. The property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of North Powers Boulevard and Galley Road. | pdf (446 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-359 | PUD/PRELIMINARY PLAN - COPPER CHASE AT STERLING RANCH PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Challenger Communities, LLC, for approval of a combined Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plan to create 138 single-family residential lots in one phase. The 19.6-acre property is zoned RS-5000 (Residential Suburban) and is located immediately adjacent to the north of the recent extension of Marksheffel Road and immediately adjacent to the east of Vollmer Road. | pdf (583 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-358 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - WATERVIEW EAST COMMERCIAL - A request by Waterview Commercial Investors LLC for approval of a 22.10-acre Preliminary Plan nine (9) commercial lots. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Service) and is located directly southeast of the intersection of Bradley Road and Powers Boulevard. | pdf (508 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-356 | Proclamation recognizing the Retirement of Cindy Crumb. | pdf (104 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-355 | Resolution to approve a Pipeline Agreement between BNSF and El Paso County for construction of the South Academy Widening Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-354 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between El Paso County and Widefield Water and Sanitation District. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-342 Amended | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - MEADOW LAKE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-3 - A request by Meadowlake Developments LLC, and Kevin O’Neil for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Meadow Lake Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3. The 254.7-acre area included within the request is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development), and is located at the northwest corner of the Curtis Road and Falcon Highway intersection, south of Judge Orr Road, and is within Section 9, Township 13 South, Range 64 West of the 6th P.M. The proposed service plan includes the following: a maximum debt authorization of $95 million, a debt service mill levy of 50 mills for commercial, a debt service mill levy of 5 mills for special purpose, and an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills, for a total maximum combined residential mill levy of 65 mills. The statutory purposes of the district include the provision of the following: 1) street improvements and safety protection; 2) design, construction, and maintenance of drainage facilities; 3) design, land acquisition, construction, and maintenance of recreation facilities; 4) mosquito control; 5) design, acquisition, construction, installation, and operation and maintenance of television relay and translation facilities; 6) covenant enforcement; and 7) design, construction, and maintenance of public water and sanitation systems. (Parcel Nos. 43000-00-548, 43000-00-551, 43000-00-552, & 43000-00-553) | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-353 | Proclamation recognizing Creek Week 2023. | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-352 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $230.00 from High Forest Ranch Social Committee and $250.00 from Mary and Raymond Olivas to the Sheriffs Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (78 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-351 | Resolution to recognize the donation of misc food items from Fairfield by Marriott for the Sheriffs Office. | pdf (59 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-350 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $24,376.00 from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, Search and Rescue Fund to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (83 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-349 | Resolution to approve the submittal of a strong communities planning grant application to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs to support updating the Land Development Code. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-348 | Resolution to approve a Road Name Change of Mayberry Drive to Positive Place in the Mayberry Subdivisions. | pdf (320 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-347 | Resolution to approve a Road Name Change of New Log Road to Mayberry Drive in the Mayberry Subdivisions. | pdf (349 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-346 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - FLYING HORSE NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-5 - A request by PRI #2 LLC, Jeffrey Smith, and Flying Horse Country Club, LLC, for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Flying Horse North Metropolitan District Nos. 1-5. The 910-acre area included within the request is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Residential Rural (RR-5) and is located southwest of the intersection of Hodgen Road and Black Forest Road. | pdf (10 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-345 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - GUNNERS RIDGE - A request by Drew Makings for approval of a 38.83-acre Minor Subdivision illustrating 4 single-family residential lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 12172 Goodson Road, directly northwest of the intersection of Goodson Road and Ayer Road. | pdf (579 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-344 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - MCDANIELS ROAD MINOR SUBDIVISION - A request by Greg Zindorf for approval of a 40-acre Minor Subdivision creating four (4) single-family lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 22755 McDaniels Road, at the corner of McDaniels Road and Log Road. | pdf (469 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-343 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - JUBILEE GROUP REZONE - A request by Jubilee Group for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezone) of 14.35 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The property is located on the south side of Falcon Highway, adjacent to the Falcon Highway and U.S. Highway 24 Intersection. | pdf (314 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-342 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 16850 STEPPLER ROAD REZONE - A request by Charlie Stewart for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 36.38 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The property is located at 16850 Steppler Road, approximately one-half mile from the intersection of Settlers Ranch Road and Steppler Road. | pdf (387 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-341 | VARIANCE OF USE - 7135 TEMPLETON GAP - LANDSCAPING BUSINESS - A request by Ben Fisk for approval of a Variance of Use on 5.00 acres to allow a contractor’s equipment yard in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) district. The applicant is currently using the property for a contractor’s equipment yard. The subject property is adjacent to properties within the City of Colorado Springs zoned PUD and C6, and properties within Unincorporated El Paso County zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and CR (Commercial Regional). | pdf (325 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-340 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 2020 NORTH ELLICOTT HIGHWAY – CORDERO FIL. 2 REZONE - A request by Angel Cordero for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 16.59 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to A-5 (Agricultural). The property is located at 2020 North Ellicott Highway and is 1½ miles north of the intersection of Ellicott Highway and Highway 24. | pdf (319 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-339 | VACATION AND REPLAT - POWERS CENTRE FILING NO. 3A - A request by Oliver Watts Consulting for approval to Vacate and Replat one (1) commercial lot into three (3) commercial lots. The 5.55-acre property is zoned CR (Commercial Regional), within the CAD-O (Commercial Airport Overlay District) and located at the intersection of North Powers Boulevard and Palmer Park Boulevard. | pdf (321 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-338 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - MERIDIAN STORAGE REZONE - A request by Meridian Storage, LLC, for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of 15.30 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The properties are located at 11690, 11685, and 11750 Owl Place, directly southwest of the intersection of Meridian Road and Owl Place. | pdf (410 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-68 | Resolution to approve and accept a Memorandum of Agreement, a Real Property Donation, Noncash Charitable Contributions Form 8283, and a Special Warranty Deed for a portion of Mesa Ridge Parkway from David D. Jenkins. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-333 Amended | Resolution allowing staff to communicate Board positions on certain State and Federal issues. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-337 | Resolution approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Hillside at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (299 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-336 | Resolution Approving a Petition for Inclusion of Property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 3. | pdf (230 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-335 | Hearing on the application by Tempered Tomahawk, LLC d/b/a Tempered Tomahawk Axe Throwing for a beer and wine liquor license on the premises located at 4075 Chamberlin South, El Paso County. | pdf (187 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-334 | Proclamation recognizing the Retirement of Pete Olivas. | pdf (117 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-332 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $159,313.00 from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed-through the State of Colorado, Department of Transportation, for the 2023-24 Traffic Safety Enforcement Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-331 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $216,000.00 from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed-through the State of Colorado, Department of Transportation, for the 2023-24 Impaired Driving Enforcement Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-330 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $2,000.00 from a donation by Ruffin’ Mudder, LLC to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (71 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-329 | Resolution to accept a federal emergency management performance grant and recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $35,000 to the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) department's 2023 unrestricted general fund budget. | pdf (98 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-328 | Resolution to approve submission of a Community Services Block Grant application to the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-327A | (Park Lands Agreement) Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement with Lorson, LLC and Lorson Ranch Metropolitan District for The Ridge at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (161 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-327 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement with Lorson, LLC and Lorson Ranch Metropolitan District for The Ridge at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (369 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-326 | Resolution to amend the bylaws of the Juvenile Community Review Board. | pdf (602 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-325 | Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for a portion of Right-of-Way supporting the future Marksheffel Road Project. | pdf (539 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-324 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of the Stonebridge Filing 4 at Meridian Ranch Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (658 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-323A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-9), a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-9), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-9) Associated with Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-323 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-9), a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-9), and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-9) Associated with Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-322A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-7) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (587 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-322 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-7) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-321A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-6) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (592 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-321 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-6) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-320A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-5) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (595 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-320 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-5) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-319A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-4) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (605 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-319 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-4) Associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-318 | SPECIAL USE - COLORADO KIDS RANCH PUMPKIN PATCH - A request by Colorado Pumpkin Patch, LLC, for approval of a Special Use on 40.52 acres to allow agritainment activities with over 50 cars allowed at any one time during events in the RR-5 (Residential Rural) zoning district. The property is located at 18065 Saddlewood Road. | pdf (120 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-317 | Resolution Approving Intergovernmental Agreement for Powers Boulevard Extension Reimbursement Between the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority, City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, and Copper Ridge Metropolitan District. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-316 | Resolution opposing Proposition HH. | pdf (228 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-315 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding litigation matter known as U.S. District Court Case No. 23-cv-01605, Jensen v. El Paso County Sheriff's Office, et al. | pdf (814 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-314 | Resolution to amend the bylaws of the El Paso County Citizen Outreach Group. | pdf (534 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-313 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $221,387.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-312 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,000.00 from a donation by Wendy and Terry Kift to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (67 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-311 | Resolution to accept a grant award from the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation. | pdf (304 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-310 | Resolution to enter into a funding agreement between the El Paso County Department of Human Services and Children's Advocacy Center of the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | pdf (269 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-309 | Resolution to enter into a funding agreement between the El Paso County Department of Human Services and Court Care for the Pikes Peak Region, Inc. | pdf (307 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-308 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Teller County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Teller County youth. | pdf (875 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-307 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kiowa County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Kiowa County youth. | pdf (787 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-306 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Elbert County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Elbert County youth. | pdf (831 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-305 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cheyenne County for El Paso County to provide CHAFEE program services to Cheyenne County youth. | pdf (811 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-304 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Tri-County Fire Protection District. | pdf (126 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-295 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - EAGLEVIEW METROPOLITAN DISTRICT - A request by PT Eagleview, LLC, for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Eagleview Metropolitan District. The 121-acre area included within the request is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located directly west of the Paint Brush Hills subdivision, north of Stapleton Drive, south of Arroya Lane, and east of Raygor Road. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-303 | Resolution approving a Petition for Inclusion of property within El Paso County Public Improvement District No. 2 - Glen at Widefield Filing No. 11. | pdf (119 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-302 | Resolution approving General Release and Monetary Settlement regarding William Johnson Pre-Litigation Claim. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-301 | Proclamation recognizing September 11th as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. | pdf (93 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-300 | Resolution to approve the submittal of grants through the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) for four projects by the Department of Public Works. | pdf (1 MB) |
Contracts | 23-299A | (Memorandum of Agreement) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-116) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-116) associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (349 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-299 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-116) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-116) associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (916 kB) |
Contracts | 23-298A | (Memorandum of Agreement) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-3) associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (326 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-298 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-3) associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (749 kB) |
Contracts | 23-297A | (Memorandum of Agreement) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-2) associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (296 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-297 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-2) associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road Intersection Improvements. | pdf (740 kB) |
Contracts | 23-296A | (Memoradum of Agreement) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-1) associated with the Security/Widefield and Fontaine Blvd Project. | pdf (248 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-296 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-1) associated with the Security/Widefield and Fontaine Blvd Project. | pdf (661 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-294 | Resolution to amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board of County Commissioners. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-293A | (MOA) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-117) and a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-117) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-117 and TE-117A) associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1010 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-293 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-117) and a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-117) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-117 and TE-117A) associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-240 Amended | Hearing on the application by Kum & Go, LC, d/b/a Kum & Go #2232, for a fermented malt beverage and wine (off premises) liquor license on the premises located at 304 Main Street, El Paso County. | pdf (949 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-292 | Resolution to adopt final 2023 Redistricting Plan. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-291 | Resolution to approve the application and recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $50,346.00 from the U,S, Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (98 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-290 | Resolution to Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Colorado Springs Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff's Office for the 2023 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for the Law Enforcement and Corrections Program. | pdf (321 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-289 | Resolution to recognize the donation of miscellaneous books to be used by the Jail from various individuals for the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (60 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-288 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and El Paso County School District 49 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-287 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-286 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Hanover School District 28 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-285 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Ellicott School District 22 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-284 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Academy School District 20 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-283 | Resolution to Approve Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County and Widefield School District 3 Regarding School Resource Officer Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-282 | A Resolution declaring the intent of El Paso County, Colorado to issue Revenue Bonds or Mortgage Credit Certificates in connection with financing residential facilities for low-and-middle-income families or persons. | pdf (554 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-281 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado, and the Calhan Fire Protection District. | pdf (608 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-280 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado and the Peyton Fire Protection District. | pdf (148 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-279 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado and the Ellicott Fire Protection District. | pdf (148 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-278 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the fuel support between El Paso County, Colorado and the Town of Calhan. | pdf (600 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-277 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for the Fuel Support between El Paso County, Colorado and Calhan R-J1 Schools. | pdf (644 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-276A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-114) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-114) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (705 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-276 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-114) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-114) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-275 | RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT - Pikes Peak Regional Building (“Regional Building”) is continuing to develop software known as the Electronic Development Application Review Program (“EDARP”) for the Planning and Community Development Department. The new applications to EDARP will increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in various services such as processing development applications. | pdf (843 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-274 | Resolution to approve a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Fiscal Agent Agreeement. | pdf (338 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-273A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-115) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-115) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (684 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-273 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-115) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-115) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-272A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-107) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (328 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-272 | Resolution to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-107) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-271A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-103) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-103 and TE-103A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (915 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-271 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-103) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-103 and TE-103A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-270A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-102) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-102) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-270 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-102) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-102) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-260 | Resolution Consenting to Inclusion of the City of Fountain in the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority. | pdf (47 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-260 | Resolution Consenting to Inclusion of the City of Fountain in the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority. | pdf (47 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-221B | (PE-2) Resolution to Accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-1 and PE-2) for the Dix Circle and Libby Court Stormwater Improvement Project. | pdf (350 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-221A | (PE-1) Resolution to Accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-1 and PE-2) for the Dix Circle and Libby Court Stormwater Improvement Project. | pdf (356 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-261 | Hearing on the application by Postal King, LLC, d/b/a Black Forest Postal Services for a fermented malt beverage and wine (off premises) liquor license on the premises located at 11425 Black Forest Road, Suite 4, El Paso County. (Commissioner District 2) | pdf (186 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-269 | VACATION AND REPLAT - 1384 BUCKWOOD LANE VACATION AND REPLAT - A request by Murphy’s Custom Homes for approval to Vacate and Replat one (1) residential lot into four (4) residential lots. The 3.81-acre property is zoned RR-0.5 (Residential Rural), and is located at the northwest terminus of Buckwood Lane, approximately one-tenth of a mile from the intersection of Buckwood Lane and Fawnwood Road. | pdf (307 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-268 | VACATION AND REPLAT - VILLA CASITAS FILING NO. 4 - A request by Jesus Barron for approval of a 5.80-acre Vacation and Replat illustrating a vacation of one single-family residential lot and platting into one single-family residential lot which will include a portion of County right-of-way. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 10015 Calle Bernardo Point, directly south of the intersection of Calle Bernardo Point and La Piedra Point. | pdf (322 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-267 | FINAL PLAT - TERRA RIDGE NORTH - A request by Phillip S. Miles and Jennifer Miles for approval of a Minor Final Plat to create eleven (11) single-family residential lots and to replat two (2) existing single-family residential lots to accommodate the dedication of land for right-of-way. The 51.65-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located approximately three-quarters of a mile south of the intersection of Black Forest Road and Hodgen Road. | pdf (410 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-266 | FINAL PLAT - WINSOME FILING NO. 3 - A request by Winsome, LLC, for approval of a Final Plat to create thirty-eight (38) single-family residential lots and five (5) tracts. The 349.47-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at the northwest corner of Hodgen Road and Meridian Road. | pdf (519 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-265 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - OWL RIDGE MINOR SUBDIVISION - A request by SMH Consultants for approval of a 27-acre Minor Subdivision illustrating two (2) single-family lots. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located at 18885 Brown Road. It is adjacent to the intersection of Brown Road and Running Horse View. | pdf (512 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-264 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - IVILO MINOR SUBDIVISION - A request by Pawel Posorski for approval of a 14-acre Minor Subdivision illustrating three (3) single-family lots. The property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The subject property is located 0.37 miles west of the intersection of Vessey Road and Black Forest Road and 0.15 miles south of the intersection of Vessey Road and Pine Castle Drive. | pdf (505 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-263 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 11745 OWL PLACE COMMERCIAL REZONE - A request by Baseline Engineering Corp. for approval of a Map Amendment (Rezone) of 4.61 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The property is located at 11745 Owl Place, directly southwest of the intersection of Meridian Road and Owl Place. | pdf (302 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-262 | DISBURSEMENT OF AVAILABLE SAND CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN BRIDGE FUND TO CENTRAL MARKSHEFFEL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT - On December 11, 2018, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners established credits for Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District within the Sand Creek Drainage Basin (Resolution No. 18-499) in the amount of $922,149.69 and established that Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District would have first priority for bridge reimbursement. On December 10, 2019, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners established a balance credit for Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District (Resolution No. 19-442) in the amount of $2,432,190.30. Disbursements have been made to Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District as revenue funds have become available. | pdf (228 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-240 | Hearing on the application by Kum & Go, LC, d/b/a Kum & Go #2232, for a fermented malt beverage and wine (off premises) liquor license on the premises located at 304 Main Street, El Paso County. | pdf (190 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-259 | Proclamation Recognizing National Night Out 2023. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-258 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,500.00 from a donation by Arthur Voss to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget and recognize the donation of Girl Scout cookies to the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (75 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-257 | Resolution to approve and authorize the submission of the SFY24 Core Services Program Plan for the El Paso County Department of Human Services. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-256A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deed (RW-6REV), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-6) Associated with the Highway 105A Project. | pdf (801 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-256 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deed (RW-6REV), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-6) Associated with the Highway 105A Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-255A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-113) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-113) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (821 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-255 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-113) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-113) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (817 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-254A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-110) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (346 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-254 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-110) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (820 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-253A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-109) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (347 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-253 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-109) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (807 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-252A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-108) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (351 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-252 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-108) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (824 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-251A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-105) and a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-105) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-105 and TE-105A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvement Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-251 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-105) and a Permanent Easement Agreement (PE-105) and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-105 and TE-105A) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvement Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-250A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-104) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (348 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-250 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-104) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (833 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-249A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-101) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-101) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (691 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-249 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Special Warranty Deed (RW-101) and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-101) Associated with the Beacon Lite Road/County Line Road Improvements Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-248 | EL PASO COUNTY ENGINEERING CRITERIA MANUAL - REVISION TO VARIOUS ENGINEERING STANDARDS (A LEGISLATIVE ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) - A request by the El Paso County Department of Public Works (DPW) for approval of amendments to chapters 1, 2, and 4 of the El Paso County Engineering Criteria Manual (ECM) to provide clarification of various engineering requirements. The request also includes the ability to administratively approve amendments necessary to carry out the intent of the proposed amendments. | pdf (7 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-247 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - 4-WAY COMMERCIAL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT - A request by KO1515, LLC, for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the 4 Way Commercial Metropolitan District. The 67-acre area included within the request is zoned CS (Commercial Service) and is located directly west of the intersection of Highway 24 and Stapleton Road. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-246 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - THE VILLAS AT CLAREMONT RANCH PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Phi Real Estates Services, LLC, for approval of an additional condition of approval for the Villas at Claremont Ranch Preliminary Plan (PCD File No. PUDSP-21-001). The 10.17-acre property is located at the northeast corner of Meadowbrook Parkway and Marksheffel Road (Parcel Nos. 54043-03-062 and 54043-03-066). | pdf (181 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-245 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $85,400.00 from the State of Colorado, Colorado Department of Public Safety, through the Beating Auto Theft through Law Enforcement Grant Program (BATTLE), to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-244 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,500.00 from a donation by the Colorado Springs Kennel Club to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (75 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-243 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $28,130.00 from Roller & Associates, Inc., to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (78 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-242 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $4,932,190 to the restricted general fund Opioid Settlement 2023 budget. | pdf (126 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-241 | Resolution to approve and authorize the County Clerk and Recorder to enter into intergovernmental agreements and letters of agreement with participating jurisdictions concerning the conduct of the November 7, 2023 election. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-238 | Resolution to Approve the 2023 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program. | pdf (13 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-237 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Blanche Jennings. | pdf (135 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-236 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $8,422.00 in supplemental funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) passed-through the Stat of Colorado, Department of Transportation, for the 2022-23 Traffic Safety Enforcement Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (93 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-235 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $2,335,030 to the Road and Bridge 2023 budget for the Arnold Avenue Bridge Replacement project. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-234 | Resolution to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for El Paso County Pedestrian Crossings Improvements. | pdf (12 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-233 | Resolution to Terminate County Right-of-Way License Agreement Associated with 1410 Cipriani Loop. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-232 | Resolution to exercise a contract option between El Paso County and the State of Colorado Department of Human Services for the Work Number program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-231 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for UCH-MHS d/b/a UCHealth Lifeline. | pdf (134 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-230 | Resolution to Approve Local Disaster Emergency Declaration (June 2023 Rain/Flood Event). | pdf (201 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-229 | Amendment of Resolution No. 23-205, section 3. for the appointment of hearing referees for the 2023 El Paso County Board of Equalization. | pdf (233 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-228 | Proclamation Remembering the Korean War. | pdf (115 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-227 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Kelly Mundell. | pdf (139 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-226 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $8,000.00 from a donation by Pikes Peak International Hill Climb to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-225 | Resolution to Dissolve the Citizen Review Panel. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-224 | Resolution to renew a Facility Use Agreement with the Pikes Peak Pickleball Association. | pdf (573 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-223 | Resolution to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with the United States of America for the New Santa Fe Regional Trail. | pdf (607 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-222 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and a Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement (PE-1) Associated with the Loch Fyne Lane - Gas Line Replacement Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-221 | Resolution to Accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreements (PE-1 and PE-2) for the Dix Circle and Libby Court Stormwater Improvement Project. | pdf (797 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-219 | AMENDMENT TO THE EL PASO COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - CARPORTS - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to amend Chapters 1 and 5 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (2022) pertaining to carports. The proposed amendments establish specific use standards for front yard carports and decreases the front yard setback for carports located on lots ½ acre or less in size from 15 feet to a minimum of 5 feet. | pdf (654 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-218 | ANNEXATION IMPACT REPORT - HOPE CHAPEL ADDITIONS NO. 1 & 2 ANNEXATION - A request by The City of Colorado Springs for acceptance of Annexation Petition and Annexation Plat for the Hope Chapel Additions No. 1 & 2 Annexation. The 14.4943-acre parcel includes a portion of Old Ranch Road and is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located at the intersection of Old Ranch Road and Otero Avenue. | pdf (350 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-217 | SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION - ARROYA LANE SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION - A request by El Paso County Community Service Parks Operations Division for a Subdivision Exemption specific to 4.00 acres of land that the Black Forest Trails Association would like to give to El Paso County for a trail corridor for the proposed Sand Creek Primary Regional Trail. The property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located on the northeast side of the intersection of Vollmer Road and Arroya Lane. | pdf (271 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-216 | PUD/PRELIMINARY PLAN - FOURSQUARE AT STERLING RANCH PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, for approval of a combined planned unit development and preliminary plan to create 158 single-family residential lots in one phase. The 36-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located east of Vollmer Road and adjacent to the north of the future Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Road extension. | pdf (675 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-215 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 6385 VESSEY ROAD REZONE RR-5 TO RR-2.5 - A request by SMH Consultants for approval of a map amendment rezoning 14 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The property is located 0.37 miles west of the intersection of Vessey Road and Black Forest Road and is 0.15 miles south of the intersection of Vessey Road and Pine Castle Drive. | pdf (296 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-214A | (Agreement) Resolution to Approve an Agreement Regarding Future School Land Dedication Requirements for Sterling Ranch. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-214 | Resolution to Approve an Agreement Regarding Future School Land Dedication Requirements for Sterling Ranch. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-213 | Resolution to enter into a contract amendment (renewal) with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services for the Wendy's Wonderful Kids program. | pdf (635 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-212 | Resolution to Approve Vacation of a Portion of Cochise Road Right-of-Way Owned by El Paso County and Approve Conveyance of Property Adjacent to Cochise Road to El Paso County. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-211 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 3 for Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 3. | pdf (372 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-210 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 3 for Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 2. | pdf (367 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-209 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the High Plains Filing 1 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (282 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-208 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Forest Lakes Filing No. 4 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (302 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-207 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Hudson Windingwalk Filing No. 2 at Meridian Ranch subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-206 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Hudson Windingwalk Filing No. 1 subdivision at Meridian Ranch into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-205 | Resolution to amend the appointment of hearing referees for the 2023 El Paso County Board of Equalization. | pdf (229 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-198 AMENDED | AMENDMENT TO THE EL PASO COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - PERSONAL GREENHOUSES - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to amend Chapter 5 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (2022) pertaining to personal greenhouses. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-204 | Proclamation Recognizing Juneteenth 2023. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-203 | Proclamation Recognizing June 15th as Elder Abuse Awareness Day. | pdf (123 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-202 | Resolution to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Colorado Springs Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff's Office for the 2022 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for the Law Enforcement and Corrections Program. | pdf (437 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-201 | Resolution to Modify the Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement to Include and Approve the Annual Operating Plan and Financial Plan for 2023 between the El Paso County Sheriff's Office and the USDA, the Forest Service, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, and the Pikes Peak Ranger District. | pdf (832 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-199 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Flight For Life. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-200 | Resolution to open an account for the 2023 El Paso County Fair within the Recreation & Cultural Services Division to be used for expenditures incurred during the duration of the County Fair. | pdf (190 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-197 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - KINCH SUBDIVISION - A request by Paul and Amy Kinch for approval of a minor subdivision creating four residential lots. The 29.12-acre property is addressed as 10805 Milam Rd and zoned RR-5 (Rural Residential), located north of the intersection at Old North Gate Road and Milam Road. | pdf (487 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-196 | FINAL PLAT - LATIGO TRAILS FILING NO. 9 - A request by Drexel, Barrell & Co. for approval of a final plat to create 39 single-family residential lots. The 106-acre parcel is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located 3/4 of a mile west of Eastonville Road, one mile east of Meridian Road, and one mile south of Latigo Boulevard. | pdf (498 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-195 | Proclamation Recognizing Small Business Week. | pdf (140 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-194 | Resolution to amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-193 | Resolution to approve the transfer of $965,000 of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families allocation to Logan County, Lake County, Jefferson County, Denver County, and Larimer County, 2023 Budget. | pdf (107 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-192 | Resolution to amend the appointment of hearing referees for the 2023 El Paso County Board of Equalization. | pdf (216 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-191 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $500 from a donation by Scheels to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (67 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-190 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $36,960.00 from Roller & Associates, Inc. to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (78 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-189 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $131,500.00 from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Federal Grant passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-188 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $942,220 to the Road and Bridge 2023 budget for the Calhan Highway Bridge Replacement project. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-187 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $3,747,312 to the Road and Bridge 2023 budget for the Highway 105 Improvements Project. | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-186 | Resolution to approve Amendment #3 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the Arnold Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. | pdf (560 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-185 | Resolution to approve a donation letter agreement and recognize and appropriate revenues and expenditures in the amount of $100,000 to the El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, 2023 budget from Lyda Hill Philanthropies for Paint Mines Interpretive Park. | pdf (411 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-184 | Resolution to Approve El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department 2023 Park Development Fees. | pdf (191 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-108 AMENDED | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - SCHMIDT MULTI-DWELLING REZONE - A request by Turkey Canon Quarry Inc. for approval of a map amendment rezoning 33.44 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RM-30 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling). The applicant intends to develop an apartment complex with a density of no more than 30 dwelling units per acre. The property is located immediately adjacent and west of Vollmer Road and south of future Marksheffel Road. | pdf (249 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-131 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 1825 SUMMIT DR - A request by Steven and Jennifer Liebowitz for approval of a map amendment, rezoning 5.23 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-2.5 (Residential Rural). The applicant intends to subdivide the existing parcel into two approximately 2.5-acre lots to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence on the property in addition to the existing residence located at 1825 Summit Drive. | pdf (202 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-183 | SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICE PLAN - STERLING RANCH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 4 & 5 - A request by Classic SRJ, LLC, and Spencer Fane P.C. for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District Nos. 4 and 5. The 576-acre area included within the request is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located south of Arroya Lane, and east of Vollmer Road. | pdf (31 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-182 | Proclamation Recognizing Memorial Day 2023. | pdf (100 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-181 | Proclamation Recognizing El Paso County's Proud Western Heritage. | pdf (135 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-180 | Resolution authorizing litigation against State of Colorado, by and through Jared S. Polis, in his official capacity as Governor of Colorado; and Jena Griswold, in her capacity as Colorado Secretary of State to challenge provisions of Colorado Senate Bill 23-303 and Colorado Proposition HH. | pdf (1003 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-179 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Lori Greiner. | pdf (156 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-178 | Resolution approving 712 Widefield Drive demolition report and assessing the demolition cost against the subject property. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-177 | Resolution to approve the amended El Paso County Medical Marijuana Policy. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-176 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Hudson Minor Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (191 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-175 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Pine View Estates subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (606 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-109A | (MOA) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deeds, Non-Exclusive Permanent Easements and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements Associated with HW 105A Project. (Parcel 1) | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-109 AMENDED | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deeds, Non-Exclusive Permanent Easements and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements Associated with HW 105A Project. (Parcel 1) | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-174 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - STERLING RANCH EAST PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, for approval of a preliminary plan to create 761 single-family residential lots in four phases. The 320-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located east of Vollmer Road and adjacent to the north and south of the future Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Road extension. | pdf (702 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-173 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - STERLING RANCH EAST REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land , LLC for approval of a map amendment rezoning 301 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RS-5000 (Residential Suburban). The applicant intends to develop single-family detached homes in four phases. The property is located east of Vollmer Road and adjacent to the north and south of the future Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Road extension. | pdf (697 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-172 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - STERLING RANCH SOUTHEAST REZONE - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, for approval of a map amendment rezoning 35 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to RR-0.5 (Residential Rural). The applicant intends to develop one-half acre lots for single-family detached homes as a transition to the rural properties adjacent to the south pursuant to the approved Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan. The property is located east of Vollmer Road at the southern portion of the Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan area. | pdf (437 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-171 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - CATHEDRAL ROCK COMMONS COMMERCIAL - A request by Store Master Funding VIII, LLC, for approval of a preliminary plan to create three (3) commercial lots and one (1) tract. The 10.23-acre property is zoned CC (Commercial Community) and is located at the northeast corner of Struthers Road and Spanish Bit Drive. | pdf (530 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-170 | Resolution authorizing litigation against the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment regarding implementation of the collective bargaining for counties act to remedy an unfunded mandate against El Paso County, Colorado, and to afford relief from uncertainty and insecurity with respect to legal relations between El Paso County's Board of County Commissioners, non-Board elected officials, and supporting entities. | pdf (190 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-169 | Resolution to appoint hearing referees for the 2023 El Paso County Board of Equalization. | pdf (208 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-168 | Resolution to approve the transfer of subdivision plan and plat fees held by the Board of County Commissioners to the appropriate school districts within El Paso County. | pdf (105 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-167 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $22,860.00 in supplemental funding from the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (228 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-166 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $2,020,000.00 from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration through the contract for Jail Based Behavioral Services, to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-165 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $66,500 to the unrestricted general fund Clerk & Recorder's 2023 budget for the ImageCast X (ICX) Printer grant program. | pdf (100 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-164 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $150,000 to the El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Environmental Division Solid Waste Management 2023 budget from the Solid Waste Disposal Site and Facility Users’ Fund fund balance. | pdf (108 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-163 | Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Standard Utility Agreement ("SUA") for reimbursement between El Paso County and the State of Colorado acting by and through the Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT"). | pdf (7 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-162 | Proclamation Recognizing National Foster Care Month. | pdf (124 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-161A | (Agreement) Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement with Lorson, LLC and Lorson Ranch Metropolitan District for The Ridge at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 2 and Filing No. 3. | pdf (291 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-161 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement with Lorson, LLC and Lorson Ranch Metropolitan District for The Ridge at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 2 and Filing No. 3. | pdf (380 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-160 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $7,200.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program (OJJDP) passed-through the Colorado Springs Police Department to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-159 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - KELNHOFER REZONE - A request by Steve Kelnhofer for approval of a map amendment rezoning 36.05 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to A-35 (Agricultural). | pdf (350 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-158 | Resolution to amend the existing area building code by adopting and applying the Pikes Peak Regional Building Code, 2023 Edition. | pdf (16 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-157 | Proclamation Recognizing May 4th as the National Day of Prayer. | pdf (124 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-156 | Resolution to recognize the donation of miscellaneous books to be used by the jail. | pdf (60 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-155 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $403,944.00 from the Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration for the Co-Responder Program to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-154 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement Extension with COLA, LLC., for Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 7. | pdf (149 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-153 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement Extension with COLA, LLC., for Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 6. | pdf (149 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-152 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement Extension with COLA, LLC., for Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 5. | pdf (149 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-151 | Resolution to Approve a Park Lands Agreement Extension with COLA, LLC., for Trails at Aspen Ridge Filing No. 3. | pdf (149 kB) |
Contracts | 23-150A | (Agreement) Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 for Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (311 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-150 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 for Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (385 kB) |
Contracts | 23-149A | (Agreement) Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with GTL, Inc., dba GTL Development, for the Sanctuary at Meridian Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (309 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-149 | Resolution to Approve an Urban Park Lands Agreement with GTL, Inc., dba GTL Development, for the Sanctuary at Meridian Ranch Filing No. 1. | pdf (372 kB) |
Contracts | 23-148A | (License Agreement) Revocable License Agreement with Native Sun Materials, Inc., for installation of a sanitary sewer line across the New Santa Fe Regional Trail. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-148 | Revocable License Agreement with Native Sun Materials, Inc., for installation of a sanitary sewer line across the New Santa Fe Regional Trail. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-147 | Resolution to approve Amendment #2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the Ute Pass Regional Trail Project. | pdf (607 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-146 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Ambulnz CO, LLC. | pdf (130 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-145 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for iCare Ambulance, LLC. | pdf (129 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-144 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Metro One Ambulance. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-143 | Resolution approving and Ambulance Service License for Stadium Medical ambulance service. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-142 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District. | pdf (131 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-141 | Resolution to recognize revenue in the amount of $1,552,705 and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $3,967,682 for various budgets that need to be revised for fiscal year 2023. | pdf (161 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-140 | Resolution to approve and enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with Care and Share Food Bank Inc. in the amount of $1,500,000.00. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-139 | Proclamation Recognizing April as National County Government Month. | pdf (148 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-138 | Proclamation Recognizing Period of Hispanic Commemoration. | pdf (118 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-137 | Resolution to approve the transfer of subdivision plan and plat fees held by The Board of County Commissioners to the appropriate school districts within El Paso County. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-136 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the contract with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration for the Co-Responder Program with the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-135 | Resolution to approve the submission of the Chafee and Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood Grant program combined application. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-134 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for construction of the Calhan Highway Bridge Over Big Sandy Creek Project. | pdf (563 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-133 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County, Colorado for design and construction of the El Paso County Wetland Bank - Akers Project. | pdf (575 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-132 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District. | pdf (138 kB) |
Resolutions | 21-495 AMENDED | Preliminary Plan - Winsome Preliminary Plan Amendment - A request by Winsome, LLC, for approval of an amendment to the Winsome Preliminary Plan to increase the total number of single-family residential lots from 143 to 146. The 768-acre development area i | pdf (476 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-73 AMENDED | Resolution to approve amended El Paso County Beer and Liquor Policy. | pdf (3 MB) |
Contracts | 23-70A AMENDED | (IGA) Resolution approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs regarding annexation of and improvements to the Park Vista South Area. | pdf (812 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-70 AMENDED | Resolution approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs regarding annexation of and improvements to the Park Vista South Area. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-130 | SKETCH PLAN - JAYNES SKETCH PLAN - A request by Classic Communities for approval of a sketch plan consisting of a maximum of 450 single-family residential lots (101 acres), approximately 4.5 acres of commercial, 13.7 acres of future right-of-way, and approximately 22.9 acres of open space. | pdf (460 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-129 | VARIANCE OF USE - FORD DRIVE ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT - A request by Vertex Consulting Services for approval of a Variance of Use to convert an existing Accessory Living Quarters into a second dwelling in the RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) district. | pdf (338 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-128 | VACATION AND REPLAT - MITCHELL AVENUE ROW VACATE AND REPLAT - A request by Drexel, Barrell & Co., for approval to vacate 1.245 acres of public right-of-way known as Mitchell Avenue. | pdf (235 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-127 | SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION - D38 SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION (MITCHELL AVE) - A request by Drexel, Barrell & Co., for approval to plat 4.224 acres of land that is exempt from the subdivision process and part of Lewis-Palmer School District No. 38. | pdf (308 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-126 | JIMMY CAMP CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN SURETY REIMBURSEMENT - A Resolution to approve reimbursement of the Jimmy Camp Creek Drainage Basin Surety Fees to (FOFO2000) FMI Cuchares Ranch, LLC, Corral Ranches Development Company, and Lorson, LLC, and Love in Action. | pdf (200 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-125 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - ROMENS REZONE - A request by Romens Living Trust for approval of a rezoning, 36.5 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). | pdf (318 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-124 | Resolution to appoint County Commissioner Redistricting Commission and staff, and to set deadlines regarding the 2023 El Paso County Board of County Commissioner redistricting process. | pdf (426 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-122 | Proclamation Recognizing National Library Week (April 23 -29, 2023). | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-121 | Resolution to recognize the donation of 25 Autism Awareness Kits with a monetary value of $413.00 from the Academy Optimist Club and the Wheatridge Optimist Clun by Paul & Billie Nigro to the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (78 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-120 | Resolution to approve the application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 by the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (105 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-119 | Resolution to Approve El Paso County Fiberoptic Infrastructure Leasing Policy. | pdf (501 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-118 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $61,000 from the County Fair fund balance to the Community Services Department, 2023 budget. | pdf (97 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-117 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures to the Parks and Community Services Department 2023 budget for region #2 AND #4 park projects. | pdf (109 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-116 | Resolution to approval the submittal of a grant application to the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation in the amount of $21,200.00. | pdf (116 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-114 | Proclamation Recognizing National Public Safety Telecommunicators' Week and Recognizing Dispatchers and Call Takers as First Responders. | pdf (147 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-113 | Resolution to support HB23-1259: Open Meetings Law Executive Session Violations. | pdf (195 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-112 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $100,000 from the Urban Park fees – area #4 to the Community Services Department 2023 budget for Widefield Community Park improvement projects. | pdf (87 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-111 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $4,235,490 to the Road and Bridge 2023 budget for the Highway 105 Improvements Project. | pdf (130 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-110A | (MOA) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deed (RW-10), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-10(REV)) Associated with HW 105A Project. (Parcel 10). | pdf (656 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-110 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deed (RW-10), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-10(REV)) Associated with HW 105A Project. (Parcel 10). | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-107 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - TR EL PASO LAND LLC REZONE - A request by TR El Paso Land LLC for approval of a map amendment rezoning 275.89 acres from R-4 (Planned Development) to A-35 (Agricultural). The property is located near the northwest corner of South Ellicott Highway and Drennan Road. | pdf (378 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-106 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - MA SUBDIVISION - A request by Land Resource Associates for approval of a minor subdivision to create one (1) lot and four (4) tracts. The 62.60-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Walker Road and State Highway 83. | pdf (607 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-104 | Proclamation recognizing National Public Health Week 2023. | pdf (111 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-103 | Proclamation recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month. | pdf (133 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-102 | Resolution to approve an Amended Intergovernmental Agreement between El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs establishing the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management. | pdf (940 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-101 | Resolution to oppose HB23-1230: Prohibit Assault Weapons in Colorado. | pdf (197 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-100 | Resolution to oppose SB23-172: Protecting Opportunities and Workers Rights Act. | pdf (201 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-99 | Resolution to oppose HB23-1057: Amenities for All Genders in Public Buildings. | pdf (186 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-98 | Resolution to support SB23-097: Motor Vehicle Theft and Unauthorized Use. | pdf (203 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-97 | Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Standard Off-System Utility Reimbursement Agreement between El Paso County, Mountain View Electric Association, Inc., and the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority regarding Highway Project 105 A. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-96 | Resolution to approve the Final Acceptance of The Beach at Woodmoor Filing No. 1 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (141 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-95 | Resolution to approve Preliminary Acceptance of the Winsome Filing No. 2 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (166 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-94 | Resolution to approve Preliminary Acceptance of the Grandwood Ranch Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (163 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-93 | Resolution to approve Preliminary Acceptance of the Forest Lakes Filing No. 6 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (152 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-92 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Jim Reid. | pdf (150 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-91 | Resolution to dissolve the Innovation and Technology Committee. | pdf (156 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-90 | Resolution to approve Contract Amendment #2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for construction of the Highway 105 Improvements Project. | pdf (583 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-89 | Resolution to execute the 2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Black Forest Slash and Mulch Committee (SAMCOM) for the operation of the Black Forest Slash and Mulch Program. | pdf (665 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-88 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Legacy EMS, Inc. | pdf (138 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-87 | Resolution to approve disbursement of the Big Johnson/Crews Gulch Drainage Basin (FOFO2600) Trust Fund to New Generation Homes. | pdf (244 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-86 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Kathy Klinker. | pdf (131 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-85 | Resolution to oppose SB23-170: Extreme Risk Protection Order Petitions. | pdf (187 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-84 | Resolution to oppose SB23-169: Increasing Minimum Age to Purchase Firearms. | pdf (187 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-83 | Resolution to oppose SB23-168: Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Judicial System. | pdf (221 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-82 | Resolution to oppose SB23-166: Establishment of a Wildfire Resiliency Code Board. | pdf (248 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-81 | Resolution to oppose HB23-1190: Affordable Housing Right of First Refusal. | pdf (242 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-80 | Resolution to oppose HB23-1165: County Authority to Prohibit Firearms Discharge. | pdf (231 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-79 | Resolution to oppose HB23-1115: Repeal Prohibition Local Residential Rent Control. | pdf (276 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-78 | Resolution to acknowledge General Release regarding litigation matters known as McGinn v. El Paso County, CO, et al., 22-cv-01387-WJM-MDB. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-77 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $19,000.00 from a donation from an anonymous donor to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 budget. | pdf (66 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-76A | (MOA) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to accept a Special Warranty Deed, a Permanent Easement, and Temporary Construction Easements between El Paso County and Monument Academy Building Corporation regarding Highway 105 Project A (STA 105A-014). | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-76 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to accept a Special Warranty Deed, a Permanent Easement, and Temporary Construction Easements between El Paso County and Monument Academy Building Corporation regarding Highway 105 Project A (STA 105A-014). | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-75A | (Quitclaim Deed) Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed from Cascade Metropolitan District No. 1 to El Paso County, Colorado for Hagerman Avenue and a portion of Forest Road. | pdf (334 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-75 | Resolution to grant a quitclaim deed from Cascade Metropolitan District No. 1 to El Paso County, Colorado for Hagerman Avenue and a portion of Forest Road. | pdf (535 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-74 | Resolution to Approve First Amendment of a Facility Use Agreement with High Plains Little League. | pdf (851 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-72 | Resolution approving the El Paso County Emergency Services Authority (ESA) 2021 financial statement audit. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-71 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the Falcon Fire Protection District. | pdf (140 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-69 | Resolution authorizing the County Attorney to sign releases to participate in Global Opioid Settlements with Teva, Allergan, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. | pdf (115 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-68B | (Property Donation Form) Resolution to approve and accept a Memorandum of Agreement, a Real Property Donation, Noncash Charitable Contributions Form 8283, and a Special Warranty Deed for a portion of Mesa Ridge Parkway from David D. Jenkins. | pdf (314 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-68A | (MOA) Resolution to approve and accept a Memorandum of Agreement, a Real Property Donation, Noncash Charitable Contributions Form 8283, and a Special Warranty Deed for a portion of Mesa Ridge Parkway from David D. Jenkins. | pdf (461 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-67 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the Ute Pass Regional Health Service District. | pdf (131 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-66 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Security Fire Protection District. | pdf (127 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-65 | Proclamation recognizing the retirement of Bill Elder. | pdf (111 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-43 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for American Medical Response. | pdf (130 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-64 | PRELIMINARY PLAN RECONSIDERATION - EAGLEVIEW - A request by PT Eagleview, LLC for reconsideration of the Eagleview Preliminary Plan (PCD File No. SP-21-006) to create 38 single-family residential lots. The 113.34-acre property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) and is located on the Arroya Lane, approximately 1.5 miles west of Meridian Road. | pdf (560 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-63 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - PITMAN LIVING TRUST REZONE - A request by Pitman Living Trust for approval of a map amendment rezoning 37.86 acres from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The property is located approximately 0.25 miles southwest of the Walker Road and North Meridian Road intersection. | pdf (318 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-62 | Resolution to reappropriate 2022 contracts, projects, and purchase orders from various fund balances and to recognize revenue to the 2023 Budget. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-61 | Resolution to issue a Class B (no restraints) Secure Transportation Service License and issuance of two (2), Type 1 (partitioned) Vehicle Permits to Diversus Health, Inc., d/b/a Diversus Health, to provide secure transportation services in El Paso County. | pdf (397 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-60 | Proclamation Recognizing February as Black History Month in El Paso County. | pdf (123 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-59 | Resolution to recognize revenues and expenditures for various budgets that need revisions for fiscal year 2022 and 2023 Budgets. | pdf (278 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-58 | Resolution for authorization of Petty Cash for budget year 2023. | pdf (157 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-57 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,482,182.00 from various restricted general fund balances to the 2023 budgets. | pdf (135 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-56 | Resolution to recognize revenue of $70,000.00 from the El Paso County Fairgrounds Corporation and appropriate expenditures to the Community Services Department, 2023 budget. | pdf (110 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-55 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Contract with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health, for jail based behavioral services in the Sheriff’s Office Jail and recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $141,925.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-54 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $7,500.00 from the AKC Reunite Adopt A K-9 COP grant to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (80 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-53 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,807.00 from donations by Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church in the amount of $1,607.00, and by Floyd & Sun Sim Smith in the amount of $200.00, to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget and recognize the donation of miscellaneous books to be used by the Jail. | pdf (86 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-52 | Resolution to approve the Extension Agreement with the 4th District Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Board extending the award period through June 30, 2023, for the Sheriff’s Office Victim’s Assistance Program. | pdf (371 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-51 | Resolution to enter into an Agreement with Larimer County, Colorado for the ARCH project research services. | pdf (865 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-50 | Resolution to Approve the 2022 Stormwater Annual Report MS4 for CDPS Permit Certification No. COR090011. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-49 | Resolution to grant a Quitclaim Deed to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for parcels of land adjacent to Fontaine Boulevard. | pdf (915 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-48A | (MOA) Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between El Paso County, Cade Weaver, and Kayla Gilstrap, regarding El Paso County Highway 105 Project A. | pdf (508 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-48 | Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between El Paso County, Cade Weaver, and Kayla Gilstrap, regarding El Paso County Highway 105 Project A. | pdf (985 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-47 | Resolution to adopt an Updated Local Road Safety Plan and supporting strategies to reduce road related fatalities. | pdf (24 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-46 | Resolution to approve the Final Acceptance of Jackson Ranch Filing No. 3 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (485 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-45 | Resolution to approve Preliminary Acceptance of Dines Blvd which is a portion of the Sterling Ranch Filing 1 Subdivision, into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (581 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-44 | Resolution to approve Preliminary Acceptance of the Retreat at Timber Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (799 kB) |
Resolutions | 19-281 AMENDED | Special District Service Plan -- Winsome Metro Districts Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 -- A request by ProTerra Properties, LLC, for approval of a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Winsome Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The proposed Districts are located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Meridian Road and Hodgen Road and within Sections 24 and 24, Township 11 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. and Section 19, Township 11 South, Range 64 West of the 6th P.M. The applicant is proposing the following: a maximum debt authorization of $20 million, a debt service mill levy of 55.277 mills, an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills, and 5 mills for covenant enforcement. The proposed maximum combined mill levy is 70.277 mills. The statutory purposes of the proposed Districts include: 1) street improvements and safety protection; 2) design, construction, financing, and maintenance of drainage facilities; 3) design, acquisition, construction, and maintenance of recreation facilities; 4) mosquito control; and 5) covenant enforcement. Properties within the boundaries of the proposed Districts are included within the Black Forest Preservation Plan (1987). (Parcel No. 51000-00-493) (ID-19-003) | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-42 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - WATERBURY FILING NOS. 1 AND 2 - A request by 4-Way Ranch Joint Venture, LLC for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) and approval of a preliminary plan for 198 single-family residential lots and eleven (11) tracts. The Waterbury PUD and Preliminary Plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on January 15, 2013 (BoCC Resolution No. 13-44). The previously approved plan included an alley-loaded residential product, which the current request proposes to remove in favor of a traditional lot layout. The current proposal also includes modifications to the previously approved road layout. If the proposed PUD and Preliminary Plan are approved, the applicant will be required to receive approval for final plat(s) prior to commencement of construction. This item was recommended for approval on the Planning Commission Consent Calendar by a vote of 8-1. The 61.86-acre property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stapleton Road and US Highway 24 (Parcel Nos. 42000-00-366; 42000-00-368; 42000-00-417) (Commissioner District No. 2) (PUDSP-21-005). | pdf (914 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-41 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - 4-WAY COMMERCIAL REZONING - A request by The O’Neil Group for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) of 67.14 acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to CS (Commercial Service). This was heard by the Planning Commission as a Called-Up Consent item and recommended for approval by a vote of 7-2. Concerns were raised concerning water sufficiency, suitability of commercial next to rural, and the traffic study. There was much discussion regarding a fifth condition recommended by PCD staff regarding subdivision regulations, which was ultimately not included in the formal recommendation by the Planning Commission. The 67.14-acre property is located directly west of the intersection of Highway 24 and Stapleton Road. The subject property encompasses land that is situated on the north and south side of Stapleton Road (Parcel No. 42000-00-399) (Commissioner District No. 2) (CS-22-003). | pdf (529 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-40 | Resolution approving a tax increment revenue agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority for the Gold Hill Mesa commercial Urban Renewal Plan. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-39 | Resolution approving an agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority regarding the Amended Gold Hill Mesa Urban Renewal Plan (2015) to remove land area. | pdf (632 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-38 | Resolution approving a property tax increment revenue ageement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority for the Project Garnet Urban Renewal Plan. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-37 | Resolution to Approve the 2023 Annual Road Maintenance Program. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-36 | Proclamation Recognizing Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Week. | pdf (102 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-35 | Resolution to Amend the Drainage Basin Fees for the Jimmy Camp Creek Drainage Basin. | pdf (187 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-34 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for the City of Fountain Fire Department. | pdf (195 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-33 | Resolution to amend the pet animal control/dog licensing rules and regulations. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-32 | Resolution to execute a release in favor of Builders Firstsource and Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company. | pdf (180 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-31 | Resolution to amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board of County Commissioners of El Paso County, Colorado. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-30 | Resolution to approve, accept, and enter into a Standard Off-System Utility Reimbursement Agreement with El Paso County, Qwest Corporation and PPRTA Regarding Highway 105 Project A. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-29 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Asteri EMS. | pdf (125 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-28 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Peyton Fire Protection District. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-27 | Resolution to jointly authorize and approve Mr. Ed Dills’ continued appointment to the Emergency Services Authority Board as the Citizen Representative for an extended term going through December 31, 2023. | pdf (179 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-26 | Resolution to appoint Commissioner Cami Bremer, with Commissioner Stan VanderWerf as alternate, to the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority Board. | pdf (139 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-25 | PRELIMINARY PLAN - HOMESTEAD NORTH FILING NO. 3 PRELIMINARY PLAN - A request by Classic SRJ Land, LLC, and SR Land, LLC, for approval of the Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 3 Preliminary Plan to create 77 single-family residential lots. The 40.83-acre development area is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural). A concurrent Map Amendment (rezone) to RS-6000 (Residential Rural) is also requested. The subject property is within the Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan area which depicts a density of 2 dwelling units per acre. The proposed density is 1.8 dwelling units per acre. The parcels are located north of the northeast corner of the Vollmer Road and Briargate Parkway intersection and is within Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (575 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-24 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - HOMESTEAD NORTH FILING NO. 3 - A request by Classic SRJ Land LLC, and SR Land, LLC, for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) of 41.63 acres from RR-5 (residential Rural) to RS-6000 (Residential Suburban). The parcels are located north of the northeast corner of the Briargate Parkway and Vollmer Road intersection and is within Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (464 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-23 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - EMPRISE STORAGE REZONE - A request by Land Development Consultants, Inc. for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) of 40 acres from RR-5 (Residential Rural) to CS (Commercial Service). The 40-acre property is located directly south of Highway 94 and 0.20 miles west of the intersection of Highway 94 and Franceville Coal Mine Road, and is within Section 18, Township 14 South, Range 64 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (328 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-21A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-1) Associated with the Janitell Bridge Scour Protection Project. | pdf (557 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-21 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-1) Associated with the Janitell Bridge Scour Protection Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-20 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Calhan Fire Protection District. | pdf (142 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-19 | Proclamation Recognizing Martin Luther King Jr. Day. | pdf (115 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-18 | Resolution allowing staff to communicate Board position to consultant on certain legislation without prior approval. | pdf (341 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-17 | Resolution to assign El Paso County Services Contract 19-001B with Geo, Inc. to the 4th Judicial District Community Corrections Authority. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-16 | Resolution to assign El Paso County Services Contract Number 19-001A with ComCor, Inc. to the 4th Judicial District Community Corrections Authority. | pdf (6 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-15 | Resolution to appoint directors to the 4th Judicial District Community Corrections Authority. | pdf (145 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-14 | Resolution to set salary compensation for El Paso County Coroner, Dr. Leon Kelly. | pdf (181 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-13 | esolution to approve an amendment (A2) to Intergovernmental Agreement 2021CMIP022 with the State of Colorado, Health Care Policy & Financing related to the 2022-2023 earned incentives program for Health First Colorado/Medicaid. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-12 | Resolution to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Prowers County, Colorado regarding after-hours calls to the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (Hotline), through the Hotline County Connection Center (HCCC) at an anticipated cost of $129,490.00. | pdf (621 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-11 | Resolution to approve a License Agreement with the Town of Monument. | pdf (983 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-10 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deed 9-WH(REV) Associated with the Highway 105A Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-09 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-2, TE-2A) Associated with the Janitell Bridge Scout Protection Project. | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-08 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within the Settlers Ranch Filing No. 2C subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (302 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-07 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License to Legacy EMS, Inc. | pdf (128 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-06 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Tri-Lakes FPD dba Monument FD. | pdf (131 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-05 | Resolution to reaffirm the posting location for public meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Clerk and Recorder as the custodian of the minutes. | pdf (109 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-04 | Resolution finding sufficiency of crime insurance policy coverage for elected and county officials. | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-03 | Resolution to adopt the 2023 County Commissioner Liaison Responsibilities. | pdf (275 kB) |
Resolutions | 23-02 | Resolution to establish the organizational structure of the County’s Governmental Offices. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 23-01 | Resolution to appoint Chair and Vice Chair and amend the Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-467 | Hearing on the application by Jaks Falcon, LLC, d/b/a Jaks Brewing Company, for a beer and wine liquor license on the premises located at 11860 Stapleton Drive, El Paso County (Commissioner District 2). | pdf (98 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-466 | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY PLAN - HAVEN VALLEY - A request by MIDCO Investments LLC, and Fountain Mutual Metro District, for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from a site-specific PUD (Planned Unit Development) and RS-6000 (Residential Suburban) to a site-specific PUD (Planned Unit Development) and approval of a preliminary plan for 98 single-family residential lots. The Parcels are also within the CAD-O (Commercial Airport District Overlay). The parcels, totaling 11.77 acres, are located south of the intersection of Alturas Drive and Cable Lane and are within Section 12, Township 15 South, Range 66 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel Nos. 65122-00-011 and 65122-00-001) | pdf (409 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-465 | DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 2460 WAYNOKA PL CHARTER SCHOOL - A request by James Irwin Educational Foundation for approval of a development agreement associated with the 2460 Waynoka Place Charter School site development plan. The purpose of the development agreement is to ensure the timely construction of public improvements associated with the project. The 8.01-acre property is zoned I-2 (Limited Industrial) and is located on the west side of Waynoka Place and on the east side of Powers Boulevard, approximately one-quarter of a mile south of the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Constitution Avenue and within Section 6, Township 14 South, and Section 31, Township 13 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 53313-01-024) | pdf (209 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-464 | VARIANCE OF USE - PEACEFUL VALLEY ADDITIONAL DWELLING UNIT - A request by Nina Ruiz, with Vertex, for approval of a variance of use for a second dwelling in the RR-0.5 (Residential Rural) district. The 0.59-acre property is zoned RR-0.5 (Residential Rural) and is located 0.03 miles east of the intersection of Sand Trap Drive and Peaceful Valley Road and north of Peaceful Valley Road and is within Section 22, Township 15 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 5522008004) | pdf (156 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-463 | Resolution to Adopt El Paso County Secure Transportation Service Licensing Regulations. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-462 | Resolution Approving a Tax Increment Revenue Agreement with the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority for the Hancock Commons Urban Renewal Plan. | pdf (653 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-461 | Proclamation Recognizing the Retirement of Susan Burt. | pdf (76 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-460 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Department of Human Services. | pdf (643 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-459 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with the Pikes Peak Workforce Center. | pdf (625 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-458 | Resolution to accept El Paso County Citizens Service Center sub lease agreement with El Paso County Public Health. | pdf (638 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-457 | Resolution to accept a Colorado Parks and Wildlife purchase order and recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $25,000 to the Community Services Department 2022 budget for operational expenditures pertaining to trail restoration in Jones Park Open Space. | pdf (45 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-456 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $80,054.00 from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Federal Grant to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (50 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-455 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $155,000.00 from the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) grant to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (49 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-454 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $32,339.00 from the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government to the Sheriff’s Office 2023 Budget. | pdf (122 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-453 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Contract with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health for Jail Based Behavioral Services in the Sheriff’s Office Jail. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-452 | Resolution to approve the application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) for Federal Fiscal Year 2022 by the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (61 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-451 | Resolution approving Amendment Number Two to the Programmatic Agreement by and between El Paso County, Colorado, and the Colorado State Historic Preservation Office regarding the administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Programs. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-450 | Resolution authorizing projects to be completed and funded using El Paso County Road Impact Fees. | pdf (82 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-449A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deeds (RW-17REV2, RW-17A, RW-17B), A Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement (PE-17REV2), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-17REV2, TE-17A) Associated with the Highway 105A Project. | pdf (721 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-449 | Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept Special Warranty Deeds (RW-17REV2, RW-17A, RW-17B), A Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement (PE-17REV2), and Temporary Construction Easement Agreements (TE-17REV2, TE-17A) Associated with the Highway 105A Project. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-446 | SPECIAL USE - RAEL STORAGE RURAL HOME OCCUPATION - A request by Steve Rael for approval of a rural home occupation as a special use for an existing automobile and boat storage yard. The 40-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located on the west side of Colorado Highway 83, approximately one-third of a mile south of Colorado Highway 105/Walker Road and is within Section 15, Township 11 South, Range 66 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 61000-00-489) | pdf (333 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-445 | ESCROW AGREEMENT - PRAIRIE RIDGE FILING NO. 1 - A request by Clovis Point Co, LLC, for approval of an escrow agreement associated with the Prairie Ridge Filing No. 1 subdivision. The 39.77-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural) and is located on the east side of Brown Road, approximately one-half of a mile north of the Brown Road and Walker Road intersection and within Section 12, Township 11 South, Range 66 West of the 6th P.M. Pursuant to condition of approval for the subdivision, developer is required to deposit with the county certain sums as is fair, equitable and proportionate contribution toward the construction of improvements to Brown Road. (Parcel No. 61000-00-483) | pdf (437 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-444 | VACATION - DONALD A WATKINS JR. EXEMPTION PLAT - A request by Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) for approval of a vacation of an exemption plat. The 45-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located on the north side of Meridian Road, approximately one-half of a mile south of Blaney Road and is within Section 36, Township 13 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. The request is due to CSU no longer needing a property for infrastructure and is being given back to the donator. | pdf (378 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-443 | VACATION - DONALD A WATKINS EXEMPTION PLAT - A request by Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) for approval of a vacation of an exemption plat. The 20.152-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located on the north side of Meridian Road, approximately one-half of a mile south of Blaney Road and is within Section 36, Township 13 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. The request is due to CSU no longer needing a property for infrastructure and is being given back to the donator. (Parcel No. 53000-00-512; 53000-00-513) | pdf (385 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-442 | ANNUAL DRAINAGE AND BRIDGE FEES INFLATIONARY INCREASE - The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 99-383 on September 13, 1999, thereby establishing a methodology by which new subdivisions would be required to contribute to the planned drainage and bridge infrastructure in their drainage basin with a per impervious acre fee. The resolution provides that changes in the fee for one or more basins based upon inflation shall require action by the Board. Because drainage basins often cross jurisdictional lines, El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs have established a joint City/County Drainage Board which provides recommendations to both jurisdictions regarding drainage planning and fees. After extensive analysis a recommendation was presented to the Drainage Board on September 13, 2022 at which time the Drainage Board voted in favor of a recommendation to increase the fee for all applicable basins by 9.2% for the City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County. | pdf (292 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-440 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - FUEL STATION REZONING - A request by Baseline Engineering Corporation for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from A-35 (Agricultural) to CS (Commercial Service). The 4.5-acre property is located 0.05 miles west of the intersection of North Ellicott Hwy and State Highway 94 and within Section 12, Township 14 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M. The proposed rezone would reallocate approximately 4.5 acres of existing commercial land from the A-35 zoning district to the CS zoning district, which would support the commercial service within the Rural Center placetype. The rezone would allow the existing gas station and convenience store to expand to help serve the surrounding community. El Paso County Planning Commission recommended approval of the item with a vote of 8-0. (Parcel No.34120-00-015) | pdf (281 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-439 | FINAL PLAT - CITIZEN AT CONSTITUTION - A request by Feathergrass Investments, LLC, for approval of a final plat to create one (1) multi-dwelling residential lot totaling 12.264-acres. A 10.54-acre portion of the property is zoned RM-30 (Residential, Multi-Dwelling) and a 1.72-acre portion of the property is zoned CS (Commercial Service), and is located at the southwestern corner of the Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road intersection, and are within Section 5, Township 14 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel Nos. 54051-04-074 and 54051-04-075) | pdf (529 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-438 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for Stratmoor Valley Streetlights Public Improvement District. | pdf (671 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-437 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 budget for Stratmoor Valley Streetlights Public Improvement District. | pdf (286 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-436 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for the Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (624 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-435 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 budget for Pioneer Village Roads Public Improvement District. | pdf (181 kB) |
Resolutions | 44-434 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2023 Budget. | pdf (84 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-433 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for PID No. 3. | pdf (666 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-432 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 budget for PID No. 3. | pdf (264 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-431 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2023 Budget. | pdf (82 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-430 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of mill levy for PID No. 2. | pdf (620 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-429 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 budget for PID No. 2. | pdf (171 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-428 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 budget for PID No. 1. | pdf (199 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-427 | Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make transfers as anticipated in the 2023 Budget Adoption. | pdf (104 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-426 | Resolution establishing and approving certification of El Paso County's mill levy for the 2022 property taxes payable in 2023 and allocate revenues from such property taxes, the specific ownership tax, and the sales and use tax among the County's various funds. | pdf (270 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-425 | Resolution to adopt and appropriate the 2023 Budget. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-424 | Proclamation recognizing Pearl Harbor Day. | pdf (100 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-423 | Resolution accepting the resignation of the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder, Chuck Broerman, the resignation of El Paso County Assessor, Steve Schleiker, appointment of an interim El Paso County Clerk and Recorder, and appointment of an interim El Paso County Assessor. | pdf (226 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-422 | Resolution to Grant a Quitclaim Deed from El Paso County to the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado for a Portion of Black Forest Road. | pdf (903 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-421 | A resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $55,000,000 of El Paso County, Colorado, Federally Taxable Athletic Facilities Revenue Bonds (Air Force Academy Athletic Corporation Project) Series 2022. | pdf (15 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-419 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Homestead at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (224 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-418 | Resolution to approve application for Final Acceptance of certain streets within Glen at Widefield Filing 8 Subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (331 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-417 | Hearing on the application by Sayaan Corporation and Prime Property, LLC, d/b/a Rivon Gas & Convenience, for a retail fermented malt beverage off-premises liquor license on the premises located at 4140 US Highway 85-87, El Paso County (Commissioner District 4). | pdf (315 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-416 | Discussion and vote on a resolution on whether or not to decline participation by El Paso County and its supported entities in the Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program. | pdf (171 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-415 | Resolution to approve the Homestead Ranch Regional Park Master Plan. | pdf (21 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-414 | Resolution approving waiver of conflict of interest for Sherman and Howard, LLC, pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 30-11-101(1), 30-11-103 and 30-11-107(1). | pdf (355 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-413A | (Agreement) Resolution approving an agreement regarding transfer of Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation assets to Norris Penrose Legacy Foundation at Norris Penrose Events Center. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-413 | Resolution approving an agreement regarding transfer of Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation assets to Norris Penrose Legacy Foundation at Norris Penrose Events Center. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-412 | Resolution to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Colorado for the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program. | pdf (962 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-411 | Resolution to appropriate expenditures in the amount of $3,000,000.00 from the restricted public safety tax (“PST”) fund balance to the Sheriff's office restricted PST 2022 budget. | pdf (95 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-410 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $311,638.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), to the Sheriff’s Office 2022 Budget. | pdf (106 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-409 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $500.00 from donations by the Black Forest Community Club in the amount of $200.00, and by the Patriot Guard Riders of Colorado in the amount of $300.00, to the Sheriff’s Office 2022 Budget. | pdf (100 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-408 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $19,841.00 from the Department of Justice, United States Marshals Service, to the Sheriff’s Office 2022 Budget. | pdf (103 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-407 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $6,340.00 from Roller & Associates, Inc., to the Sheriff’s Office 2022 Budget. | pdf (92 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-406A | (MOA) Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-3) associated with the Janitell Bridge Scour Protection Project. | pdf (539 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-406 | Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to approve and accept a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement (TE-3) associated with the Janitell Bridge Scour Protection Project. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-405 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Manitou Springs Fire Department. | pdf (136 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-404 | SKETCH PLAN - FLYING HORSE NORTH - A request by PRI #2, LLC, c/o Elite Properties of America, and Flying Horse Country Club, LLC, for approval of a sketch plan for 846 single-family residential lots, approximately 58.8 acres of commercial and hotel uses, and approximately 204 acres of open space. The 912-acre property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located at the southwest corner of Hodgen Road and Black Forest Road, continuing south to incorporate land on the north and south sides of Old Stagecoach Road and within Sections 30, 31, and 36, Township 11 South, Ranges 65 and 66 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-403 | MAP AMENDMENT (REZONE) - MCDANIELS REZONE - A request by William Guman and Associates for approval of a map amendment (rezoning) from A-35 (Agricultural) to RR-5 (Residential Rural). The 40 acre property is located directly southwest of the intersection of McDaniels Road and North Log Road and within Section 11, Township 14 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (317 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-402 | RECONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAN TO EXTEND THE TIME TO RECORD ASSOCIATED FINAL PLAT - EAGLE RISING - A request by CASAS Limited Partnership #4, to extend the expired Eagle Rising preliminary plan approved on September 24, 2013 (Board of County Commissioners Resolution 13-407). The 70.97-acre parcel is zoned RR-2.5 (Rural Residential) and is located approximately one-half (1/2) mile east of Black Forest Road and immediately north of the anticipated Briargate Parkway eastern extension and within Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M. The approved preliminary plan included 17 single-family residential lots. | pdf (381 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-401 | AMENDMENTS TO THE EL PASO COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BYLAWS - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to approve and adopt amendments to the El Paso County Board of Adjustment Bylaws (“Bylaws”). The Bylaws were last adopted in December 2008. The purpose of these new changes is to bring the bylaws into compliance with BoCC Resolution No. 22-73 and other general updates. The Board of Adjustment approved the amendments to the Bylaws on October 26, 2022. | pdf (674 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-400 | EL PASO COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT - RM-12 (Residential Multi-Dwelling) - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to amend Chapters 3 and 5 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (2022) pertaining to the RM-12 (Residential Multi-Dwelling zoning district). The proposed revisions, in their entirety, are on file with the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-399 | MINOR SUBDIVISION - BOYD MINOR SUBDIVISION - A request by David Gorman for approval of a minor subdivision to create three (3) single-family residential lots. The 35.88 acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located directly southeast of the intersection of Brown Road and Running Horse View and approximately two miles north of the intersection of Thompson Road and Hodgen Road and within Section 7, Township 11 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (607 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-398 | Proclamation recognizing Small Business Saturday. | pdf (188 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-397 | Proclamation recognizing the Retirement of Kris Reed. | pdf (213 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-396 | Resolution to accept contract amendment #2 to the Colorado Department of Public Safety, division of criminal justice, community corrections contract. | pdf (367 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-395 | Resolution to accept state fiscal year 2023 amended allocation letter #4 from the state of Colorado, department of public safety, division of criminal justice, office of community corrections. | pdf (314 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-394 | Resolution to recognize federal revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $1,139,000.00 to the road and bridge 2022 budget for construction of the Calhan Highway Bridge Replacement Project. | pdf (120 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-393 | Resolution to dissolve the El Paso County Highway Advisory Commission. | pdf (273 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-392 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreement for snow removal and snow and ice control between El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs. | pdf (744 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-391 | Resolution approving Intergovernmental Agreemewnt for snow removal and snow and ice control between El Paso County and the City of Fountain. | pdf (682 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-390 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Rolling Hills Ranch at Meridian Filing No. 2 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-389 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Carriage Meadows at Lorson Ranch Filing No. 2 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (426 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-388 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Rollin Ridge Filing No. 1 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (479 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-387 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Winsome Filing No. 1 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (492 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-386 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Branding Iron at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 2 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (844 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-385 | Resolution to approve application for Preliminary Acceptance of certain streets within the Branding Iron at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1 subdivision into the El Paso County Road maintenance system. | pdf (375 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-384 | Proclamation recognizing Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada. | pdf (105 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-383 | Resolution to approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Teller County, Colorado and El Paso County, Colorado creating The Fourth Judicial District Community Corrections Authority. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-382 | Resolution to approve and enter into a Contract between El Paso County, through the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the Fourth Judicial District, Victim Assistance & Law Enforcement (VALE) Board. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-381 | Resolution to approve and enter into an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement (IGA) between El Paso County, through the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ). | pdf (530 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-379 | Resolution to Approve Vacation of Right-of-Way Located Within a Portion of Whittemore Road. ( | pdf (241 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-378 | Resolution to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the Ute Pass Regional Trail Project. | pdf (9 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-377 | Resolution approving an Ambulance Service License for Med Express ambulance service. | pdf (188 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-369 | Proclamation recognizing National Adoption Month. | pdf (103 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-359 | Resolution to approve Amendment #2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Colorado Department of Transportation and El Paso County for the Arnold Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. | pdf (551 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-376 | Special District Policies and Model Service Plans - Procedures Amendment - A request by the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department to amend the Special District Policies and Model Service Plans, as referred to in Chapter 9 of the El Paso County Land Development Code (2022). The proposed revisions, in their entirety, are on file with the El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department. | pdf (8 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-375 | 17340 Fairplay Drive Minor Kennel - A request by Mark and Anne Seglem for approval of a minor kennel as a special use for eight (8) personal dogs. The 1.06-acre property is zoned RS-20000 (Residential Suburban) and is located approximately west of West Higby Road and one-half of a mile northwest of the intersection of West Higby Road and Fairplay Drive and is within Section 24, Township 11 South, Range 67 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 71241-03-061) | pdf (317 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-373 | VR-22-009 - A request by Glen Investment Group No. VIII, LLC for approval of a vacation and replat to replat a portion of public right-of-way as a tract for Penny Cress Drive as a tract and incorporate portions of the land from the right-of-way into two (2) lots. The 0.661-acre property is zoned RS-6000 (Residential Suburban), and is located within the Glen at Widefield Filing No. 11 subdivision, which is located west of the intersection of South Marksheffel Road and Peaceful Valley Drive and are within Section 22, Township 15 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 55220-00-010) (Commissioner District No. 2)A request by Glen Investment Group No. VIII, LLC for approval of a vacation and replat to replat a portion of public right-of-way as a tract for Penny Cress Drive as a tract and incorporate portions of the land from the right-of-way into two (2) lots. The 0.661-acre property is zoned RS-6000 (Residential Suburban), and is located within the Glen at Widefield Filing No. 11 subdivision, which is located west of the intersection of South Marksheffel Road and Peaceful Valley Drive and are within Section 22, Township 15 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 55220-00-010) | pdf (443 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-371 | Peyton Ranches Filing No. 1B - A request by Maddie Investments, LLC for approval of a vacation and replat to replat one (1) residential lot as three (3) residential lots. The 17.82-acre property is zoned RR-5 (Residential Rural), and is located on the east side of Chaparral Loop East, approximately one and one-quarter of a mile east of Peyton Highway, and approximately two (2) miles north of Highway 24 and is within Section 33, Township 11 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 31330-01-001) | pdf (587 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-370 | Vacation and Replat - Pawnee Rancheros Filing No. 2A - A request by Mason, LLC, for approval of a vacation and replat to replat one (1) residential lot as two (2) residential lots. The 5.37-acre property is zoned RR-2.5 (Residential Rural), and is located on the north side of Mustang Place, approximately one (1) mile northeast of the Woodmen Road and Marksheffel Road intersection and is within Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M. (Parcel No. 53040-02-017) | pdf (432 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-368 | Resolution to recognize the donation of books to be used by the Jail, gift cards from Starbucks; $20.00 and Colorado College; $150.00 for the Sheriff’s Office. | pdf (90 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-367 | Resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the amount of $500.00 from donations by Glenn and Monica Davis; $300.00, Dave and Ellen Nelson; $100.00 and One Candle Fund; $100.00 to the Sheriff’s Office 2022 Budget. | pdf (119 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-366 | Resolution to approve the submittal of grants for federal funds through the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) by the departments of Public Works and Community Services. | pdf (612 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-365 | Resolution to Amend the El Paso County Parks Rules and Regulations. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-364A | (EASEMENT) Resolution to approve and accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreement with the City of Fountain for Installation of Underground Electrical Transmission Lines Adjacent the Fountain Creek Regional Trail in Fountain Creek Regional Park. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-364 | Resolution to approve and accept Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement Agreement with the City of Fountain for Installation of Underground Electrical Transmission Lines Adjacent the Fountain Creek Regional Trail in Fountain Creek Regional Park. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolutions | 18-482 | The Department of Public works requests approval of a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners to authorize implementation and maintenance of the El Paso County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Description Document. | pdf (18 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-211 | Planned Unit Development/Preliminary - Plan Grandview Reserve - a request by 4-Site Investments, LLC, for approval of a map amendment of 767 acres from RR-2.5 (Residential Rural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) and approval of a Preliminary Plan for 565 single-family residential lots, 2 commercial lots, right-of-way, and open space. The property is located at the southeast corner of the Eastonville Road and Rex Road intersection and are within Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, Township 12 South, Range 64 West of the 6th P.M. | pdf (666 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-363 | Resolution opposing City of Colorado Springs ballot question 300, City of Colorado Springs ballot issue 301, Town of Palmer Lake ballot issue 2C, and Town of Palmer Lake ballot question 2D regarding the unequivocal legalization of recreational marijuana establishments within the jurisdictions therein. | pdf (198 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-362 | Resolution opposing Proposition 122 regarding the use of certain plant or fungi commonly referred to as "psychedelic mushrooms”. | pdf (159 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-361 | Resolution supporting Colorado Constitutional Amendment E. | pdf (269 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-360 | Proclamation recognizing the retirement of Edi Anderson. | pdf (163 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-358 | Resolution to approve the Submittal of the Off-System Bridge Grant for Calhan Highway Bridge by the Department of Public Works. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-357A | (QUITCLAIM DEED) Resolution to Convey Space Village Avenue and a Portion of AIr Lane to the City of Colorado Springs via a Quitclaim Deed. | pdf (284 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-357 | Resolution to Convey Space Village Avenue and a Portion of AIr Lane to the City of Colorado Springs via a Quitclaim Deed. | pdf (556 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-356 | Resolution to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Colorado Department of Human Services to establish a consistent procedure between State and El Paso County regarding the lease and purchase of State-funded computing assets. | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolutions | 22-325 | Resolution to approve a Park Lands Agreement Extension between Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District and El Paso County for Homestead at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 2. | pdf (247 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-355 | Proclamation recognizing October as Arts Month in El Paso County. | pdf (93 kB) |
Resolutions | 22-354A | (MOA) Resolution to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement and to Approve and Accept a Non-Exclusive Permanent Easement (PE-2) associated with the Silverton Road Improvement Project. | pdf (619 kB) |