Voting details

Approval of Second Amendment and Change Order to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the civil engineering design services for the addition of credits to the El Paso County Wetland Mitigation Bank Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument: El Paso County Wetland Bank-Akers Project (Wetland Banks-Akers Project) for the Department for Public Works-Engineering Division at a not-to-exceed amount of $56,480.00. (RFP 21-104)

Motion: Holly Williams Second: Carrie Geitner
For: 3
  • Holly Williams
  • Cami Bremer
  • Carrie Geitner
Against: 0
Abstained: 0
Recused: 0
Absent: 2
  • Stan VanderWerf
  • Longinos Gonzalez